Well, the following works.  I'll leave it to others to comment on
whether there is a better/easier way.

...for example, I was forced to declare salience.  This doesn't seem
necessary, but I couldn't quite get it to work without.


(deftemplate link
        (slot type)(slot id))
(deftemplate link-count
        (slot id)(slot count))

(deffacts initial-facts
        (MAIN::link (type similarity) (id <Fact-8>))
    (MAIN::link (type contrast) (id <Fact-8>))
    (MAIN::link (type contiguity) (id <Fact-8>))
    (MAIN::link (type contrast) (id <Fact-6>))
    (MAIN::link (type similarity) (id <Fact-6>))
    (MAIN::link (type similarity) (id <Fact-4>))
    (MAIN::link (type similarity) (id <Fact-1>))
    (MAIN::link (type similarity) (id <Fact-0>))
    (MAIN::link (type contiguity) (id <Fact-0>)) 


;; define a query for counting
(defquery count-link-assignments
  (declare (variables ?factId))
  (MAIN::link (id ?factId)))

;; count the instances for each fact
(defrule assert-type-counters
  (MAIN::link (type ?type)(id ?factId))
  (not (MAIN::link-count (id ?factId)))
  ;; count the number of link facts of this type
  (bind ?count (count-query-results count-link-assignments ?factId))
  (assert (MAIN::link-count (id ?factId)(count ?count)))

;; select the largest counter
(defrule print-highest-link-assignment
        (declare (salience -10))
        (MAIN::link-count (id ?id)(count ?count))
        (not (MAIN::link-count (count ?count2&:(> ?count2 ?count))))
        (printout t "Most active link found" ?id crlf))

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of lai
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 3:59 AM
Subject: JESS: Counting the number within facts

Dear all

I am a novice in implementing a design tool system by using JESS.
Can anyone help me to solve the following questions? 

My questions are:
If some facts are generated as following,
    (MAIN::link (type similarity) (id <Fact-8>))
    (MAIN::link (type contrast) (id <Fact-8>))
    (MAIN::link (type contiguity) (id <Fact-8>))
    (MAIN::link (type contrast) (id <Fact-6>))
    (MAIN::link (type similarity) (id <Fact-6>))
    (MAIN::link (type similarity) (id <Fact-4>))
    (MAIN::link (type similarity) (id <Fact-1>))
    (MAIN::link (type similarity) (id <Fact-0>))
    (MAIN::link (type contiguity) (id <Fact-0>)) 

1. how to count  link  number within each Fact id. For examples, 
    the link number of Fact-8 is 3, including similarity, contrast and
contiguity links
    Fact-6 is 2 
    Fact-4 is 1 
    Fact-1 is 1
    Fact-0 is 2

2. while the link number within each Fact id are compared, the Fact-8
with the highest number is selected as output.

I looking forwards to your help!


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