Thankyou Ernest  for pointing out my errors with the jdbc code (throwing exceptions) 


 I tried to get a string value from jess and return it back to jess but I get a no such variable text  message when I run the jess program - I am not sure why. I wanted to test this before I try to send things to and retrieve from the database.  


Working with string value:


public class  test2 implements Userfunction


   public String getName () {return "compute";}

   public Value call(ValueVector vv, Context c)throws JessException


       Value abc = vv.get(2).resolveValue(c);


     String result = abc.stringValue(c); 

     Value res = new Value(result, RU.STRING);

      c.setVariable(vv.get(1).variableValue(c), res);

      return res;





jess code:

(compute ?arg1 ?text)   {note: ?text holds a value selected from a combobax}

(printout t ?arg1)


I tried implementating a Userfunction to insert strings into the database and though both jess program and the userfuntion don't give errors when compiled individally nothing gets added to the database. I am not sure if the problem is getting the database to connect through a userfunction or whether it is becasue of the way I retrieve strings from jess. I've given the jdbc code again. Connecting to the database through an ordinary java program work fine whereby i type in the the values to be inserted.



import jess.*;
import java.sql.*;

public class  Insert implements Userfunction
  public String getName () {return "insert";}
  public Value call(ValueVector vv, Context c)throws JessException
      Connection con = null;
      Statement stmt = null;

        String url = "";
        con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"","");
        stmt = con.createStatement();
        Value abc = vv.get(1).resolveValue(c);
        Value def = vv.get(2).resolveValue(c); 

       String ABC = abc.stringValue(c);
       String DEF = def.stringValue(c);

        stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO table1 ( field1, field2)"+     
          "VALUES ('"+ABC+"','"+DEF+"')");  

        catch (SQLException e){throw new JessException ("insert", "SQL Error:"+e.getMessage(),e);
    catch (Exception e) {}

          if (con !=null)
           catch (Exception e){}

     return Funcall.TRUE;


calling the insert function in jess:


(insert arg1 arg2)



Hope all this isn't too confusing.



Thanks in advance to Earnest and others for suggestions.


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