
You have not given us much information about your problem so we will need more 
detailed information before we can help you.

In general:

1) If you have one thread that has called the Rete#runUntilHalt() method, 
calling the halt() method (on another thread), or having one of your Jess 
rules/functions call the (halt) function, will cause the first thread to exit 
the #runUntilHalt() method.

2) Since the Rete class and it's methods are thread-safe, you don't need to 
halt the firing of Jess rules while you are asserting facts. If you are getting 
unexpected results, your rules might need to be rewritten to protect themselves 
against firing when only some of your facts have been asserted.

3) Many people use Jess without calling the Rete#runUntilHalt() method. If this 
applies to you, just assert your facts, call Rete#run(), get your results as 
needed, assert more facts, call Rete#run(), etc. etc.

4) Use the (watch) function to help debug your rules.

Please send more information about your specific problem and we will try to 


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Filix Gsmez 
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 2:18 PM
To: jess-users@sandia.gov
Subject: JESS: How to stop firing rules??

Hello everybody and thanks in advanced,

I've got the next problem, once I've run the engine to check some facts status 
I would need to add more facts and they are dependents between them so there 
are some functions which have miss references because of all the necessaries 
facts to make it works properly are not still asserted. My query is, how can I 
stop runing the engine in order to assert a group of facts?? I've tryed to use 
halt() on the engine in many diferents ways but no one works... Any idea?? 


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