Check the blog at for the published version of this:

OK, enough is enough.  I've said over and over and over that the tests that are being run on the part of Mr. Jobs are totally unfair; they always compare a dual-core Intel 2GHz to either a single core 1.xGHz G4 or a single core 2.xGHz G5 and NEVER to a dual-core G5 that has only recently been available (before Intel) nor the Dual CPU G5, which has been available for quite some time.  However, in MacWorld of April 2006 they let the cat out of the bag!!  Following are the times for a SINGLE core Intel at 2GHz and a SINGLE core G5 at 2.1GHz: 

IMovie 6: Apply B&W Effect:: iMac Intel = 2:18 and iMac G5 = 3:11, Intel Better. 
(Hold on - it gets better!!)
iMovie 6: Apply Aged Effect:: iMac Intel = 1:43 and iMac G5 = 1:12, G5 Better
iMovie 6: Apply Rain Effect:: iMac Intel = 2:41 and iMac G5 = 2:43, Intel slightly better
iPhoto 6: Import 100 Filse:: iMac Intel = 1:29 and iMac G5 = 1:22, G5 slightly better
iPhoto 6: Export to QuickTime:: iMac Intel = 1:36 and iMac G5 = 1:31, G5 slightly better
iPhoto 6: Export to Web:: iMac Intel = 2:13 and iMac G5 = 2:12, G5 slightly better
iPhoto 6: Export to File:: iMac Intel = 2:59 and iMac G5 = 2:40, G5 Better
iPhoto 6: Create Zip Archive:: iMac Intel = 2:33 and iMac G5 2:53, Intel Better
Doom3 v1.3.1303: Beta Demo:: iMac Intel = 34.3 and iMac G5 = 17.0, G5 Much Better
iTunes 6.0.2: MP3 Encode:: iMac Intel = 2:04 and iMac G5 = 1.23, G5 Much Better
Art of Illusion 2.2 Render:: iMac Intel = 3:37 and iMac G5 = 6:07, Intel Much Better

These were the only ones for which I could do a direct comparison on the published data.  But what it DOES show is that the G5 not only holds it ground against Intel, but for the most part its better or much better and Intel.  Sorry, Steve.  No Cigar.  Next time be fair to the IBM guys and run a REAL direct comparison.

So, the next time you see published benchmarks from anyone, get ALL of the details.  Trust No One!! :-)


James C. Owen
Senior Consultant
"Never give up.  Never give up.  Never, never, never give up."  
From a speech by former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, during the most trying times of the British Empire; a great leader too soon forgotten by his country after keeping it from being swallowed up by the Nazi Empire during the second world war.

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