I think Chandler (sent by Nabble.com) wrote:
> 1. Rete network view...
> I installed the GEF plugin framework, and checked if it's installed by
> looking at all the plugin details from the help menu...and it does show that
> GEF plugin is installed.. How can I view this network in the ECLIPSE...
> because when I go to View -> Other ->Rete Network I get blank, and nothing
> is displayed...

The view shows the Rete network for a currently selected rule --
either a rule you select in the Outline view, or just one that the
cursor is inside of in the editor or debug source code
view. Otherwise, it's blank.

> 2. Debugging problem..
> Being a newbie, I also decided to play with the debugging feature of the
> Jess in eclipse, but when I set my breakpoints and start the debug mode,
> nothing seems to happen and the program runs normally at usual... even when
> I use the "DEBUG" mode...

The debugger can only break on function calls, wherever they appear in
a program. You've probably set your breakpoints on lines that don't
contain function calls.

Note that the answers to both of these questions can be found in
chapter 2 of the Jess 60b7 manual: see sections 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 here:


Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Advanced Software Research          Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
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