On Nov 30, 2006, at 8:06 AM, Thiele, Klaus wrote:

Jess reported an error in routine DefinstanceList.updateMultipleSlots
        while executing (add ?p1).
  Message: Called method threw an exception.
  Program text: ( add ?p1 )  at line 23.

what happens?

"Called method threw an exception" means that some method in your JavaBean threw an exception. The specific error doesn't get printed out by default at the Jess prompt. To see the full stack trace and find out what the problem is, rerun your program using the "- stacktrace" command-line switch -- i.e.,

jess -stacktrace myfile.clp


java jess.Main -stacktrace myfile.clp

Ernest Friedman-Hill
Advanced Software Research          Phone: (925) 294-2154
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