I've found that the method below behaves differently in Jess 7.0b7 and the formal v7.0 release. In the formal release, the Activations provided by the Iterator in 2 successive calls to Rete.listActivations() are different objects, even if nothing has happened between the calls. The change has ramifications for those with custom Strategy implementations. In our case, we scan the agenda for a particular Activation to favor before calling run(), and then our Strategy's compare() method tests its arguments for that object with the == operator. We can, with some impact on performance (presumably negligible on short agendas), use the Activation.equals() method instead of the == operator. But I wanted to ask about the intent of the change, and whether it's likely to be permanent. I hadn't seen (but could have simply missed) mention of it in the notes since beta 7. Thanks very much,


   public void dumpAgenda(String label) {
       Map actMap = new HashMap();
Iterator it = listActivations(); // get the agenda and store Activations
       for (int i = 0; it.hasNext(); ++i) {
           Activation a = (Activation) it.next();
           actMap.put(new Integer(a.hashCode()), a);
it = listActivations(); // get the agenda again; no intervening activity
       for (int i = 0; it.hasNext(); ++i) {
           Activation a = (Activation) it.next();
Activation aa = (Activation) actMap.get(new Integer(a.hashCode()));
           System.out.println("agenda a["+i+"]"+
(aa == null ? " not" : "")+" in map,"+ // aa != null in both v7.0b7 and 7.0 (a == aa ? "" : " not")+ " same obj"); // aa == a only in v7.0b7
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