The curly braces enclose simple patterns 
<>, which 
are available starting in 7.0.

Assigning variable ?cs twice seems redundant in your example.
?cs <- (CreditScore {ProgramGroup == "PG" && linkType == "Lt" && cs >= 100})
would do the same more simply.

It also looks like "cs >= 100" should have been "score >= 100" so that
"(score (- (score 3)))" could have been "(score (- (?score 3)))".

Bob Kirby

At 01:29 PM 5/30/2007, Radu Razvan Slavescu wrote:
>I'm reading a paper on Jess and the following code is given:
>(defrule "rule 1"  ; q1
>  ?cs <- (CreditScore {ProgramGroup == "PG" &&
>                      linkType == "Lt"}) ;;q2
>  ?cs <- (CreditScore{cs >= 100})
>  (modify ?cs (score (- (score 3)))) ; q3
>Even if not told, CreditScore seems to be an unordered fact. I found no
>such a syntax either on the book "Jess in action" or on the Jess web site

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