Maybe there is a simple reason for this, but I don't see it.
In the code at the bottom, query-1 with argument "bar" doesn't return
any result, while query-2 returns the expected 2 facts also given by the
equivant rule tmp.
Any way to make it work? I came up with
(right (user ?u&:(member$ ?u (create$ ?user "*"))) )
which is not really elegant. Any better suggestion?
I am using JESS 6.
Thanks in advance, and best regards,
Florian Fischer
(deftemplate right (slot resource) (slot user) (slot access) )
(right (resource "A") (user "*") (access "read"))
(right (resource "A") (user "foo") (access "read-write"))
(right (resource "B") (user "bar") (access "read-write"))
(defrule tmp
?f <- (right (user "bar"|"*"))
(printout t (?f toString) crlf)
(undefrule tmp)
(printout t "------" crlf)
(defquery query-1
"get the rights for a user"
(declare (variables ?user))
(right (user ?user|"*"))
(defquery query-2
"get the rights for user bar"
(declare (variables ?user))
(right (user "bar"|"*"))
(bind ?it (run-query query-1 "bar"))
(while (?it hasNext)
(bind ?token (call ?it next))
(bind ?fact (call ?token fact 1))
(printout t (?fact toString) crlf)
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