This Userfunction is another way of getting the deftemplate name of some fact:


Henrique Lopes Cardoso wrote:


Just to let you know that I solved my own problem.
I had not realized that with a query like

(defquery q
   (declare (variables ?foo))
   ?x <- (t (foo ?foo))

I can access variable ?x and turn it into a fact object (although I have
done it before). I then did something like:

QueryResult qr = jess.runQueryStar("q", new ValueVector().add(1));;

Is there an easier way to do it?


Henrique Lopes Cardoso wrote:

I am trying to get the real deftemplate of a fact belonging to a
sub-deftemplate. Something like this:

(deftemplate t
   (slot foo) )
(deftemplate t1 extends t
   (slot bar))
(deftemplate t2 extends t
   (slot qwe))

; The facts
(t1 (foo 1) (bar 2))
(t2 (foo 2) (qwe 1))

Now, I am trying to get the real deftemplate name for a fact:

(defrule r
   (t (foo 1))
   (printout t "The real deftemplate name for this fact is "
???t1_or_t2??? crlf))

I want to get this from Java, so I thought of defining a defquery and
access its results (is there an easier way, e.g. through the Rete class

(defquery get-real-deftemplate-name
   (declare (variables ?foo))
   ?context <- (t (foo ?foo))
   ; NOW WHAT?

There is probably an easy way to do this, right?



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