
I develop an application with backward chain reasoning. I have some questions:
1. When engine is running, and if it finds a need-xxx fact, then it stops. 
However, I know, there are more answers in a knowledge base. Is there any way 
to get all answers? Why does it stop? For example: in Prolog after finding a 
first fact it states a question: search more or no?
2. Why couldn't I use funcalls in backward chain reasoning? What is a reason 
for that ? I know I could use a function test but I wanted to do it in a 
traditional way (like in forward reasoning: ?x&:(neq ?z ?x))
3. Is there any article or something about backward chaining in Jess? I would 
like to learn more about it (I read manual). Which  algorithm is used and how 
it looks like?

 Regards!, Ksawi, 
PUT, www.put.poznan.pl

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