Is it correct that it isn't possible to bind the entire value of a multislot to a variable *and* use some list pattern to restrict the facts at the same time? Consider:

(deftemplate AE (multislot ae))
(deffacts facts
   (AE (ae a b c d e))
   (AE (ae b c d e a))
   (AE (ae e d c b a))
(defrule Rule
  ?fae <- (AE (ae $?msae & $? b c $? ))
  (printout t "match: " ?msae crlf)

Jess> (run)
match: ()
match: (a)

All the '&' achieves is that both $?msae and the anonymous $? are bound to the sublist preceding b-c.

It's possible to work around this restriction: A predicate can be written to test for the pattern, such as, e.g. (ae $?msae &:(test-bc ?msae)).


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