The solution is simple ... you need to use a FuzzyRete object and not a Rete 
object ... 
see the user guide FuzzyJess section ...
How to use the Fuzzy Extensions with Jess
To use the extension with Jess is really quite simple. You need to have access 
to the FuzzyJ Toolkit and FuzzyJess packages (nrc.fuzzy and nrc.fuzzy.jess). 
These will have been obtained with the appropriate licence requirements being 
met. Normally these will be in a Java jar file for easy inclusion in the 
classpath variable. The only other thing that is required is that instead of 
using the Rete object in programs, you must use the FuzzyRete object. For 
convenience the classes nrc.fuzzy.jess.FuzzyConsole and 
nrc.fuzzy.jess.FuzzyMain have been provided and they can simply replace any use 
of jess.Console or jess.Main. 

Consider the code for FuzzyMain: 

public class FuzzyMain extends Main 
  public static void main(String[] argv) 
    FuzzyMain m = new FuzzyMain(); 
    m.initialize(argv, new FuzzyRete()); 

and the code for FuzzyConsole: 

public class FuzzyConsole extends Console 
  public FuzzyConsole(String name) 
    super(name, new FuzzyRete()); 

  public static void main(String[] argv) 
    new FuzzyConsole("Fuzzy Jess Console").execute(argv); 

To start the FuzzyConsole one might execute a command line similar to the one 
to start the standard Jess Console: 

java -classpath "%classpath%";f:\fuzzyjtoolkit\fuzzyj15a.jar;.\ 

with appropriate entries in the -classpath option to allow all necessary 
classes to be located. If you have been able to use standard Jess then you will 
no doubt have little trouble using FuzzyJess. 


Bob Orchard
National Research Council Canada      Conseil national de recherches Canada
Institute for Information Technology  Institut de technologie de l'information
1200 Montreal Road, Building M-50     M50, 1200 chemin Montréal
Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0R6            Ottawa (Ontario) Canada K1A 0R6
(613) 993-8557 
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Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of veggen
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 7:55 PM
Subject: JESS: FuzzyJess: Example won't run

The only pure jess (no java) example utilizing fuzzy logic was the one in the 
NRC-44882.pdf document, but attempting to run that example gives me no results. 
No error messages, no nothing. I corrected a miner typo I have found in it, but 
apart from it, I changed nothing. I checked all the warnings (I'm working in 
Eclipse) and the only one that seems suspicious is: Undefined function at token 
'fuzzy-match'. Is this normal behaviour? Anyone knows of the example I'm 
talking about? Any successful runs?

any reply would be greatly appreciated
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