Friedman-Hill  "JESS IN ACTION"  should get you out of trouble. 
If you want to use two texts to get different versions of the same ideas....
Giarratano and Riley "Expert Systems: Principles and Programming" has
several chapters on CLIPS... which was the the C implementation of an
expert systems shell. The basic principles and much of the language are
found in JESS. I have the third edition... Chapter 7 seems to be the one
to get you started. You should be able to work directly in JESS.

Rob Kildare
==============Original message text===============
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 6:47:10 +1100 "suker wat" wrote:

excuse me for my english I try because I speack french
I read de JESS manuel it is very good it chows all the syntax of langage
but I want to know how I can build an expert system.  I seen how to read
rules and facts.  how we  use then  to  build  and project.  
what is the structure of project? which files I  have to build to make
the project?
I also work with netbeans
please help me I am desapointed thanck you for all
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