Consider the following: I have a shadow fact based on a java class
Vehicle, which has a property position which has a compound (class)
type Position, containing the position coordinates. Now I want to
notify Jess of a position update. This has to be done at the Position
level, since it is meaningless to handle the individual coordinate
updates in isolation.  Changing x without the y will usually place the
Vehicle at a place where it never was or will be, or even can be. My
approach to this is to do a firePropertyChange on the position
property with a 'null' oldValue. This seems to be acceptable JavaBeans
practice. However, it  does not work in Jess.  Jess tries to figure
out by itself that since the position property is still the same
object, it may safely assume that the content has not changed. It
never considers the oldValue I provided. I see tow solutions: either
create a new Position object on every position update, to replace the
old one, or add some sort of positionModified attribute slot. I don't
particularly like either of them. I would appreciate it if you could
consider supporting the JavaBeans approach.


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