Thanks, this is helpful.  The main issue I'm going to have with this
is the implicit backward chaining in Prolog...  Will have to do a lot
more investigation to see if JESS is even suitable for these

On Nov 4, 2008, at 12:24 AM, Gary Hallmark wrote:


Jess' NOT CE does not implement NAF.  It implements "inflationary
negation" semantics.  Consider:

if not(P(1)) then print("fail.").
if P(0) then P(1).

Prolog will never fail.  Jess may fail, depending on conflict

Jess semantics is the usual semantics for production rules.  Haley's
does have NAF, though.

Hal Hildebrand wrote:
I'm doing some offline research on Reiter's GOLOG and came across hi
assertion that he requires a "proper prolog interpreter".  Since I'm
going to be using JESS rather than a prolog interpreter for this bit
of investigation, I was wondering if JESS actually does meet his

   A /proper/ Prolog interpreter is one that evaluates a negative
   literal not *A*, using negation-as-failure, and moreover, does so
   /only when (at the time of evaluation)/ the atom *A* /is ground/.
    When *A* is not ground, the interpreter may suspend its
   evaluation, working on other literals until (with luck) *A* does
   become ground, or it may abort its computation.  Either way, it
   never tries to fail on non-ground atoms

Obviously, I'm way out of my league here if I don't know the answer
the question as to whether JESS satisfies this requirement, but I
thought I'd get the answer from those who do know.


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