STRING and SYMBOL are two different data types; here's one of the many forum threads where this has been discussed:

Calling 'new Value("a")' creates a value of type STRING, while the values in your retract-string call are SYMBOLs. Check out the other constructors of jess.Value; they are documented extensively.

On Nov 9, 2010, at 12:23 PM, kartik tadanki wrote:


Question How can I use Value object to put in simple strings instead of java.lang.String instances.?

-I wish to be able to assert facts from Java such that the rules in the knowledge base can apply to them.
-Currently, I use assertString().
-When I use assertFact() the rules do not apply to the fact as with assertString()
This is because the slot values are now java.lang.String instances.

How can I avoid building the string for assertString() and use assertFact() such that the rules
process facts thus asserted?

My code:
// (deftemplate Authorization (slot subject ) (slot predicate) (slot object))

//create fact
Fact fact = new Fact("Authorization", r);

set values
Value va = new Value("a");
fact.setSlotValue("subject", va);
Value vb = new Value("b");
fact.setSlotValue("predicate", vb);
Value vc = new Value("c");
fact.setSlotValue("object", vc);

//assert the fact

// this retractString has no effect.
rete.retractString("(Authorization (subject a) (object c) (predicate b))");

Thank you,
-Kartik Tadanki

Ernest Friedman-Hill
Informatics & Decision Sciences          Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs
PO Box 969, MS 9012                  
Livermore, CA 94550                   

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