By Rabbi/Brother Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky
Why are so many believers hypocrites? Is it through ignorance of truth? Lack of 
available truth? Or is it outright rebellion when confronted with truth. Today 
in the midst of the WWJD craze, it is high time Messiah Yahshua's people take 
back the kingdom by their forceful will. The first step is to walk in a path 
that leaves the WWJD mindset and enters into the WWYD - WHAT WOULD/DID YAHSHUA 
ACTUALLY DO? If we are being conformed to His image as scripture tells us, then 
what image of Yahshua is the Ruach carving out for His own glory? If it can be 
proven from scriptural and secular sources that Yahuwah's Son used and still 
uses His Father's Name Yahuwah and if our call is to be conformed to His image 
which includes His speech, then we must also call the Heavenly Father what His 
own Son called Him.

In John 17 we have recorded Messiah Yahshua's high priestly prayer. We see Him 
interceding as the Cohen HaGadol on behalf of His talmidim. As such what He 
prayed on earth and the manner in which He prayed on earth, continues to this 
day and for all eternity in heaven. Today in heaven as our High Priest, He 
prays as He did while in Jerusalem (Heb.13:8). In Yochanan/John 17:4 Yahshua 
states that He is finishing the work the Father gave Him. One of the MAIN WORKS 
given to Yahshua to perform was according to John 17:6 THE MANIFESTATION OF THE 
FATHER'S TRUE NAME TO THE DISCIPLES [After 586 years of religious gymnastics]. 
Thus if the Father desired the 12 disciples to know and use the true Name of 
Yahuwah, then Messiah Himself also knew it and ALWAYS used it. For to have 
taught His disciples to use it and not done so Himself, would be hypocritical, 
which is a form of bearing false witness, a violation of Torah. In 
Yochanan/John 17:11 Yahshua invokes the Father's Name over the disciples for 
their protection and then reveals that the Name of Father Yahuwah not only 
protects His disciples but was given to Messiah Yahshua before the foundation 
of the world. In the same way He and His Father both carry the Name Yahuwah, 
all His disciples are to be in that same full accord BY ALL CALLING ON AND 
Unity is found when all disciples, all in one accord, all call on Yahuwah 
through Yahshua. Not only did Yahshua use the true divine sacred Name, He told 
His disciples that it's usage was the only key to believers unity and 
preservation on the earth. Since most believers still do not use His Name, it 
is safe to attribute most of the religious divisions in His body to not abiding 
in the very truth designed for that selfsame unity. 30,000 denominations = 
30,000 reasons for disobeying Yahshua about His Father's true Name.

Yochanan 17: 6 is a beautiful prophecy for the end times. While on earth 
Yahshua taught and used the Name and taught it to His disciples thus removing 
them from the MANMADE ban against it imposed by the apostate seat of Moses. In 
verse 26 of John 17, we see Messiah Yahshua prophesying that even after He 
ascends to His throne, (where He is using the Name today for His ministry to 
the Father on our behalf) that He would once again re-reveal the Name on earth. 
We see that in the latter days, His true Name is being restored by the Ruach or 
the power of Yahuwah, amongst His people. So this prophecy is being fulfilled 
as both Xristians and apostate Jews, are taking the false names off their 
tongue and finding the true Name as Yahshua said would happen after His return 
to glory. So we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Messiah Yahshua and His 
true followers used the true Name. If one does not use the true Name 
exclusively when hit with this manifestation, then they are said to be a 
disingenuous follower since if they truly follow Messiah He will reveal the 
Name of His Father to all His disciples. If someone does not know and use the 
Name, they are either not a disciple or they are a deceived disciple. Or how 
about a sinful disciple (Yakkov/James 2:7)? Hebrews 2:12, Psalms 22:22 reminds 
us the when Messiah Yahshua was on earth He declared the NAME YAHUWAH TO HIS 
TRUE BRETHREN IN the midst of the assembly. A true disciple uses Yahuwah's Name 
in the assembly where it ought to be declared. Do they declare His name in your 
assembly? Or do they tell you to shut up and stick to HaShem/Gawd.

Can Messiah Yahshua's usage of the Divine Name be documented in history? OH YES 
IT CAN! The Master Yahshua did not, would not, could not, use HaShem and Adonai 
as substitutes for His Father's Name because that would have been bringing the 
Name to naught, a 3rd commandment Torah violation that would have disqualified 
him from being the SPOTLESS FAULTLESS LAMB. As the LAMB He never stopped using 
the Name Yahuwah and now in his high priestly role, He has not stopped using it.

The "Toldoth Yeshu", is a rabbinic anti-gospel document dating back to 400 CE, 
with clear linguistic connections to Matthew's ORIGINAL Hebrew gospel. This 
indicates that while full of added lies and blasphemy THAT "TOLDOT YESHU" USED 
THE HEBREW MATTHEW as its base text. The TOLDOT YESHU nevertheless is full of 
accusation and mockery as we nevertheless find some startling confirmations of 
name was Yehoshua or Joshua. When He "became a heretic/lunatic", His name was 
changed to Yeshu. Yeshu is made up of yemach shemoh vezichro- "May His name and 
memory be erased." The first three letters form yud,shen,vav or YSU. [Hebrew 
Gospel of Matthew p.207 quoting Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 43B.]This is why 
TRUE BELIEVERS who do not want to identify with the mockers of our Messiah, 
It is not the Aramaic contraction it is the devil's contraction and the name of 
mockery TO THIS DAY by unbelieving Judah!

Let them write their magazine articles as they sound sillier and sillier and 
fall on the ears of a band of decreasing Hey Soos followers. But the facts 
remain the facts. When we pronounce Messiah's Name as Yeshua, we identify (like 
it or not) with the lies of the "TOLDOT YESHU." Lets stick to Yahshua or 
Yahoshua the Name that is uncorrupted in the Hebrew.

The blasphemous yet historically respected "TOLDOT YESHU", states in chapter 
[IBID p. 208 the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew Howard] That Divine Name forbidden by 
the apostate seat of Moses was of course YHVH or Yahuwah. So we have preserved 
for us a secular document that hates Yahshua because He called on and did ALL 
HIS MIRACLES while using only the Divine Name of His Father.

The last piece of evidence that Yahshua used Yahuwah EXCLUSIVELY in His earthly 
ministry, is the Hebrew Matthew Gospel written by Matthew. Shem Tov, a Jewish 
polemist, published the Matthew in Hebrew to show the unbelieving Jews how to 
answer Christian scholars. No Jew of the middle ages, especially a scribe, 
would ever willfully insert the Tetragramaton into a text simply because all 
pious traditional Jews would substitute or mask the Name by abiding under the 
rabbinical ban of NEVER writing or pronouncing it. The very fact that the first 
letter hey for HaShem appears, proves that Shem Tov wrote HaShem wherever he 
found YHVH. The fact that he didn't use Adonai or Kurios proves that HaShem was 
used everywhere the 19 times Yahuwah's Name was recorded by Matthew himself! 
HaShem was only a substitution for Yahuwah NEVER for Adonai or Kurios which 
would have been left intact!

The Messiah and the disciples used only the true Name Yahuwah when referring to 
Elohim. Terms such as Kurios, Adonai and Theos do not appear in Matthew's Shem 
Tov, for if they did Shem Tov would gladly have copied them intact. The vary 
fact that Shem Tov HAD TO SUBSTITUTE HASHEM into an existing document, PROVES 
his INSERTED usage of the letter hey for HaShem [p.232 Hebrew Gospel of Matthew 

So we have scripture and history, all confirming that Messiah Yahshua teaches 
and taught His true followers the Name of Yahuwah, not the title God or Lord 
instead of Yahuwah. Are you His disciple? If you are you will flow against the 
stream of learned religious voices screaming WWJD and instead will opt for the 
silent majority voices of WWYD, what would/does Yahshua do? For if we truly 
follow Him in His earthly and High Priestly role, we will have no qualms or 
second thoughts of starting on the righteous path of calling on Yahuwah for 
protection, revelation and miracles just like YAHSHUA DID!



  A question from Holland:  
In the Shema it is written that we speak about the words that are commanded to 
us, that we shall write them on the doorpost, and that we shall bind these 
words as a sign on our hands and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes. 
Deuteronomy 6:4-9(Devarim  6:4-9) 
". . . And these Words that I command you today shall be in your heart.  And 
you shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall speak of them 
when you sit at home, and when you walk along the way, and when you lie down 
and when you rise up.  And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house 
and on your gates, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they 
shall be for frontlets between your eyes." 
My question is, that most of the time we all have a mezuzah on the doorpost, 
and we speak about them, but we really cannot find some one that agrees with us 
and can explain to us why we do not write it on our hands. 
We see that wearing the tefillin by man only at prayer time is not sufficient! 
Do you know how we should interpret this verse about binding them on your hand 
the whole day and live by it?  Could you  give us some idea how we could obey 
this part of the Shema too, the whole day (women and men)? 
We have a wonderful idea (a bracelet), but we do not know how to get the words 
written on it and be taken seriously by the jeweler.   Or, you can bind the 
(open) mezuzah on your hand;  that was an idea of some one else that also is 
struggling with this item. 
Response from Lew:  
Dear (sister), 
My advice is to obey first, as best you can apply an instruction, and "err" on 
the side of righteousness. 
I would never criticize anyone for "over-stepping" in the area of applying a 
Torah instruction, unless 
they were doing harm to themselves or others, or became judgmental of those who 
do not observe 
exactly as they may observe.  
As the years have passed, I have come to understand that there is a progressive 
goal in the process of "speak, write, bind".   We certainly must do all three 
things literally.  Applying the Torah process to our  lives and particularly to 
the lives of our children (the next generation) insures that there will be a 
next  generation of Israel, which clearly is the objective of the Shema, a text 
given one chapter after the  Covenant (Dt. 5), so we know which "Words" Yahuah 
is wanting to be "in our heart".  "Shema Yisrael" (hear Yisrael) is directing 
us to "hear" and obey His Torah, which He also refers to as His "Word", or 
"Words" (Debarim).  We are to "bind" His Debarim.  The Ten Words are His 
Covenant, in which we are to walk.  In Hebrew, these are called the Aseret (10) 
haDabarim (Words). 
The act of "binding" is the Hebrew word (#7194) QASHAR: to gird or tie, 
physically or mentally; 
join together, work;  this is to bring about, or be a "sign": 
#226 OTH, a sign, beacon, literally or figuratively, to be a mark or evidence. 
The speaking and writing of Torah is the mental process, and the binding is the 
act of bringing Torah  into the physical world, expressing it in our behavior 
as we practice it.  To me, this is the ultimate "binding" of the Torah.  One 
could put little boxes on our foreheads and hands, but until we practice the 
Torah,  our belief is still "dead".  The living, active expression of DOING the 
Torah is the ultimate "evidence" or sign  of our faith.  The context of Dt. 6 
tells us that all of these things will result in us remembering Yahuah,  and 
not going after foreign elohim, or living as if He is irrelevant, as Humanism 
has taught mankind. 
We are Israel, and Yahuah's beloved.  We are a qodesh nation of priests to the 
world.  These Torah instructions  begin in our homes and with our children 
being taught to walk in them.  And when they are grown, they  will not depart 
from them. 
Forbidding and permitting is related to this "Shema" text.  
Yahushua mentioned "binding and loosing" (binding is forbidding, loosing is 
When we are mature in Torah, we understand what things Torah "binds", and what 
things Torah "looses". 
Our actions or behavior (works) become the "sign" or beacon to everyone around 
The Torah shines forth in our lives as a bright light in darkness, and we will 
become a light to guide 
the lives of people who would otherwise become shipwrecked.  The Torah is a 
great light. 
This light is seen in Yahushua at Mt. 4:16: 
  Isa 9:2  The people5971 that walked1980 in darkness2822 have seen7200 a great 
1419 light  :216 they that dwell3427 in the land776 of the shadow of death,6757 
upon5921 them has the light  216 shined.5050  Isa/YeshaYahu 9:2

The Torah is light.  Our children are to be taught this light, binding the 
Torah upon their hearts: 
"My son, keep your father's Commandment, and forsake not the law (Torah) of 
your mother:
Bind them continually upon your heart, and tie them about your neck.
When you go, it shall lead you; when you sleep, it shall keep you; and when you 
awaken, it shall talk with you.  For the Commandment is a lamp; and the TORAH 
is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life."  Prov 6:20-23 
When we learn to walk in Yahuah's Torah, Yahushua will reveal to us Who He 
really is:
Yahuah Almighty is the One you are to regard as qodesh, He is the one you are 
to fear, He is the one you are to dread, and He will be a palace; but for both 
houses of Israel He will be a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that 
makes them fall.  And for the people of Yerushalayim He will be a trap and a 
snare.  Many of them will stumble; they will fall and be broken, they will be 
snared and captured." 
Bind up the testimony and seal up the law among my disciples.  I will wait for 
Yahuah, Who is hiding His face from the house of Ya'aqob.  I will put my trust 
in Him."   Isa/YeshaYahu 8:13-17

When we learn to walk in Yahuah's Torah, we will throw-off the former Pagan 
ways we were taught:
"How gracious He will be when you cry for help!  As soon as He hears, He will 
answer you.  Although Yahuah gives you the bread of adversity and the water of 
affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will 
see them.  Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a 
voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'  Then you will defile 
your idols* overlaid with silver and your images covered with gold; you will 
throw them away like a menstrual cloth and say to them, 'Away with you!'"   
Isa/YeshaYahu 30:19-22  *Christmas/Asherah trees

When we learn to walk in Yahuah's Torah, keeping His festivals, He will turn 
back our captivity before our eyes: 
"I will gather them that are sorrowful for the appointed feasts, who are of 
you, to whom the reproach of it was a burden.  Behold, at that time I will undo 
all that afflict you: and I will save her that is lame, and gather her that was 
driven out; and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have 
been put to shame.
At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you: for I 
will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn 
back your captivity before your eyes, says Yahuah."   Zeph 3:18-20

I pray this will help you in your walk.  May Yahushua be esteemed through you, 

brother Lew 




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