taylor      2005/04/02 22:31:14

  Modified:    docs/release JETSPEED-2.0-M2-README.txt
  2.0 M2 readme completed
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +67 -82    
  Index: JETSPEED-2.0-M2-README.txt
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- JETSPEED-2.0-M2-README.txt        2 Apr 2005 23:09:19 -0000       1.1
  +++ JETSPEED-2.0-M2-README.txt        3 Apr 2005 06:31:14 -0000       1.2
  @@ -3,53 +3,57 @@
      April 2, 2005
  -* Navigations Refactoring (RW)
  -* Login/Password Enhancements (RW, AD)
  -* LDAP (ML)
  -* Portlet Messaging (PM)
  -* Deployment Refactoring (AD)
  -* User Admin Portlets (JS2-121) - enhancements (AD)
  -* Site Manager (*)
  -    -- add/edit/remove folders, pages, links, metadata
  -    -- import/export
  -    -- integrate customizer
  -    -- global site settings from edit mode
  -* Secure Access to Site Resources (JS2-111) (*)
  -    -- Portlets
  -    -- Windows
  -* Documentation (JS2-83)
  -* Enhanced credential security and validation (JS2-151)
  -* Encrypt SSO credentials, certificate support (RR)
  -* Portlet Selector, Customizer (DST)
  -* Print Mode
  -* Portlet Caching
  -* WSRP Support
  +* PALM - Portlet Application Lifecycle Manager 
  +    A new administrative portlet for managing the lifecycle of portlet 
  +    Supports start, stop, undeploy and delete operations
  -Bug fixes
  -* Closed Open Issues 
  -     get list from JIRA?
  +* JBoss Support 
  +   Jetspeed tested and running on JBoss versions 3.2.7 and 4.0.1sp1
  +* New Improved Deployment
  +   Deployment overhauled to support application server controlled deployment.
  +   Class loader and cross-context session control issues resolved.
  +* Struts Bridge Enhancements
  +* Navigations Refactoring 
  +* Enhanced credential security and validation, Login/Password Enhancements 
  +* LDAP Authentication support added.
  +* Secure Access to Site Resources (Pages, Folders)
  +* Profiler, Layout, PSML Security Documentation 
  +* SSO Enhancements
  +* Improved JSF Support
  +* Finer grain Spring configuration
  +* Main Jetspeed context no longer requires /jetspeed
  - Features
  +Bug fixes
  +see M2-bugfixes.html
    Tested App Servers:
    * Tomcat 5.0.30
  - * Tomcat 5.5
  + * Tomcat 5.5.8
  + * JBoss 3.2.7
  + * JBoss 4.0.1sp1
    (Tomcat 5.5 requires a different jetspeed.xml found in the source tree 
under src/resources/jetspeed-tomcat-5.5.xml)
  - Jetspeed 2 has been independently tested and run on JBoss, Weblogic, and 
Websphere application servers
    Check out our wiki page for details: 
  - NOT Supported:
  + NO Longer Supported:
    * Tomcat 4.1.x
  @@ -59,24 +63,40 @@
    Installation Instructions
  -1. Download jetspeed-2.0-M1.tar.gz 
  -   Download jetspeed-2.0-M1.zip (windows)
  -2. Expand jetspeed-2.0-M1.tar.gz into a clean Tomcat installation **
  +1. Download jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-5.0.30.tar.gz, or
  +   Download jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-5.0.30.zip (windows), or
  +   Download jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-5.5.8.tar.gz, or 
  +   Download jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-5.5.8.zip (windows)
  +2. Expand jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-<version>.tar.gz into a clean directory (as 
example we will use 'jetspeed')
  -   tar xfz jetspeed-2.0-M1.tar.gz -C tomcat   # where 'tomcat' is your 
tomcat home directory
  +   cd /jetspeed
  +   tar xfz jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-<version>.tar.gz
      For Windows:
  +   cd c:\jetspeed
  +   unzip jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-<version>.zip 
  -   unzip jetspeed-2.0-M1.zip directly into your tomcat home directory 
  +3. start the database
  -3. cd $TOMCAT_HOME/jetspeed-database
  +   cd /jetspeed/jetspeed-database
  +   start-database.sh
  +   For Windows:
  +   cd c:\jetspeed\jetspeed-database
  +   start-database.bat
  +4. startup Tomcat 
  -4. start-database.sh (.bat)
  -5. startup Tomcat
  +   execute /jetspeed/jakarta-tomcat-<version>/bin/start.sh
  +   For Windows:
  +   execute c:\jetspeed\jakarta-tomcat-<version>\bin\start.bat
  -6. start up Jetspeed, navigate to http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal
  +5. start up a web browser and navigate to 
  @@ -88,52 +108,17 @@
   3. create a database schema/catalog to hold your database tables 
   4. type 'ant' to run the database population scripts
   5. edit the jetspeed.xml properties 
  -    - Tomcat4 - $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jetspeed.xml
  -    - Tomcat5 - $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/jetspeed.xml
  +    - $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/jetspeed.xml
       and set your database connection
   6. copy your database driver into Tomcat's common/endorsed directory
  -7. start up Jetspeed, navigate to http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal
  +7. start up a web browser, navigate to http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal
    Sample accounts to login as:
  -**    NOTE: if you are installing into a Tomcat instance which had Jetspeed 
installed previously, remember to delete these files :
  -        $TOMCAT_HOME/shared/lib/jetspeed*.jar
  -        $TOMCAT_HOME/shared/lib/pluto*.jar
  -        $TOMCAT_HOME/shared/lib/portlet-api*.jar
  -        $TOMCAT_HOME/shared/lib/portals-bridges*.jar
  -        $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jetspeed
  -   Deployment Optimization
  -There are some known issues with deployment and race conditions with the 
default jetspeed configuration.
  -To optimize deployment, add these properties to your $HOME/build.properties:
  -org.apache.jetspeed.services.autodeployment.user = admin
  -org.apache.jetspeed.services.autodeployment.password = admin
  -Edit your $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml and add the required manager 
and admin roles and admin user:
  -<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  -  <role rolename="manager"/>
  -  <role rolename="admin"/>
  -  ...
  -  <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="admin,manager,user"/>
  -If you make these changes, its recommended to change Tomcat's server.xml and 
turn off Autodeployment feature:
  -      <Host name="localhost" debug="0" appBase="webapps"
  -       unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="false">  <------------------
  + manager/manager
  + user/user
  \ No newline at end of file

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