Santiago Gala wrote:

> Santiago Gala wrote:
>> Dave Carlson wrote:
>>> I need to use the Saxon XSLT processor with Jetspeed for other 
>>> portlet content
>>> (and another application running in the same Tomcat instance).  
>>> However, I was
>>> getting errors when I added saxon as the default XSLT processor.  I 
>>> tracked
>>> down a simple bug fix to
>>> Short answer:
>>> Do a global replace of "getReader" and replace with "getURL"
>> It is not this simple. The whole purpose of having getReader() called 
>> is to abstract Character encoding *and* cache location issues. 
>> getURL() should be forbiden, as it exposes the internals on how the 
>> cache works, and is bound to failure as the cache changes. Also, it 
>> leads to funny character encoding issues.
>>> When SimpleTransform fetches the stylesheets from the disk cache, it 
>>> creates a
>>> SAX parser based on a Reader for the cached file.  However, in 
>>> Saxon, it
>>> requires setSystemId() to be called on the Source so that the parser 
>>> can use
>>> the source's systemId to determine the base URI for resolving 
>>> relative URLs.
>> I think a Entity Resolver can take care of this process. I'm not 
>> completely sure how, though.
>> I would like to help with a cleaner fix. I think we could call 
>> setEntityResolver() on the InputSource with the true URL (not the one 
>> in the cache), so that, in case there are relative URLs they can be 
>> resolved.
>> I imagine something like:
>> is = new InputSource( cacheEnt.getReader() );
>> is.setSystemID( cacheEnt.getSourceURL() ); 
>> is.setEntityResolver( new 
>> org.apache.jetspeed.xml.JetspeedXMLEntityResolver() ); 
> Sorry, this should be applied to the XMLReader(s)
>> patching JetspeedXMLEntityResolver to setSystemID again on the 
>> resulting InputSource ...
>> I will try this with saxon and report. What do you think? 
> I am testing it with saxon.jar instead of xalan in webapps/lib, and it 
> seems to work all right. So, should I commit the changes for you to test?
> Auditing (with grep) for more InputSource occurrences, I found 
> SAXPIFilter (only user in XMLPortlet). This should be possibly be 
> cleaned out, to write a better XMLPortlet...
> I attach the diffs, waiting for committing them if there is no problem.

I have commited, since the changes seem to be good coding practice, and 
I have seen no problems under either saxon or xalan. Please report if 
you find problems related with XML parsing or XSLT transformations.

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