
My company is considering using Jetspeed for a number of projects.  What I'm
seeing in the 1.3a2 nightly snapshots looks excellent and I believe that
Jetspeed will meet our needs.  I see that there is now a plan to release the
1.3a2 level of code.  I'm wondering if anyone has a feel when Jetspeed might
go to beta release and/or full release?  I understand that this is an open
source project and that a schedule may or may not exist.  I guess the
question is what is the "gut feel" of the development team?

The other thing I understand about open source is the need to give back to
the community.  I would like to think that we will be able to contribute to
the development of Jetspeed.  Admittedly, I am a long way from understanding
enough to make such contributions, but hopefully over time I will develop
enough knowledge to provide some sort of contributions.  I have begun
digging through the source code and playing with things.  Any pointers to
design documentation that might exist would be very helpful as I learn all I
can about Jetspeed.

Any thoughts that people might have would be greatly appreciated.

Craig Setera
Sun Certified Java Programmer/Developer/Web Component Developer
Senior Software Architect, Kingland Systems Corporation

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