Hello all,

I asked about this once before, but received no response.  Not sure if
people just don't know the answer or if my original request was missed.
Hopefully it was the latter and my asking again won't be too much of a

My company is busy building things around the excellent Jetspeed 1.3a2
release of the portal.  We have built a number of "local" OCS content feeds
that are managed on the local disk.  In addition, we have built a very
simple content management front-end to add content to the OCS/RSS stream.
We would like to be able to flush all of the affected RSS portlets
immediately following an update to one of the RSS files such that the next
load of the portlet will show the new/removed items.  Unfortunately, I can't
seem to get this to work.  I've coded up the following in hopes of clearing
the changed portlet, but it doesn't seem to work for some reason.

 * Flush the cached version of the portlet that wraps
 * the specified RSS content stream.
protected void flushRssPortlet(String rss) {
        // Get access the the portlet factory service
        ServiceBroker serviceBroker = TurbineServices.getInstance();
        PortletFactoryService portletFactory = 

        // Look up the portlet in the factory
        Portlet portlet = null;
        try {
                portlet = portletFactory.getPortlet(rss);
        } catch (PortletException e) {
                // munch
        // If we found it, pull its cache key and remove
        // it from the caches
        if (portlet != null) {
                // First, clear the disk cache
                String diskCacheURL = portlet.getPortletConfig().getURL();
                // Then the portlet cache
                if (portlet instanceof Cacheable) {
                        String cacheKey = ((Cacheable) portlet).getHandle();
                        // OK.  We have the cache key now.  Remove from the
                        // portlet cache

Part of this *may* be due to the fact that the FileWatcherExpire object does
not seem to be intialized when the portlet is initially created.
Unfortunately, even forcing the expire object to be created/initialized
didn't fix things.

Can anyone offer any insights or thoughts on how to solve this?  I have run
out of ideas and could really use some help.


Craig Setera
Sun Certified Java Programmer/Developer/Web Component Developer
Senior Software Architect, Kingland Systems Corporation

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