After a short review I have a few question. Maybe I didnot clearly
understood some point.

So Theree is no security layer design for now. I know that your primary goal
is specification compatible implementation for portlet JSR.
I seen that protlet structure is similar to WPS. But some necessary features
are missing. For example

Portlet messaging.
Portlet call backs like begin and end page calls.
There is a portlet session but no portletapplication session. Two think is
different an make life easier.

Also I have some suggestion.
Maybe we can use HP s jena RDF toolkit.
A queue or pipeline structure will be helpfull for portlet rendering. May be
we can use a subset of an open JMS server.
Jetspeed need a gateway  to talk with avalon for extansibility. (James
depends on avalon also I know that there is a beta jabber server built on

I an happy to see that LDAP service still exist on jetspeed 2 design :) I
will try to help if you need.


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