Please open up a Bugzilla item and submit your changes as patches. Thanks!

Best regards,

Mark Orciuch - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 12:39 PM
> Subject: LDAP/AD Authentication Service
> Below is modification to an LDAP Authentication service I
> previously submitted
> to this mailing list to authenticate users of LDAP/AD.
> Add parameters section of text to you Jetspeed's
> file and configure to use the class below.  Drop the jar of the
> class into
> /webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/lib and the properties file into
> /webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/conf.
> The modification I've recently made gets rid of the issues I had
> previously
> and takes advantage of the recent logging changes.
> In a nutshell:
> No LDAP/AD schema modifications are needed for this authentication service
> to work.  There are a number of service configuration parameters
> (See code.)
> that make the service fairly portable between schema configurations.
> The user is authenticated off of LDAP/AD, the Jetspeed framework
> unmodified
> requires caching the password, and other user attributes to the Jetpseed
> database. So, the account is created with these attributes
> populated.  Later,
> logins update the password and additional attribute information in the
> database to reflect changes in LDAP/AD.
> SSL is untested and incomplete...
> -Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> #########################################
> # LDAPAuthentication Additions          #
> # ---                                   #
> # Additional parameters supported       #
> # check code.                           #
> #########################################
> services.JetspeedSecurity.browse.user.dn=CN=Michael J.
> Walsh\,CN=Users\,DC=llameante\,DC=nemonik\,DC=com
> services.JetspeedSecurity.browse.user.password=password
> #services.JetspeedSecurity.server.port=389
> services.JetspeedSecurity.server.type=3
> onik\,DC=com
> #services.JetspeedSecurity.user.match.attribute=sAMAccountName
> package;
> //2345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345
> 678|012345
> 678|
> /*
>  *
>  *
>  *  Created on June 4, 2003, 3:12 PM
>  */
> // Java imports
> import java.util.*;
> import javax.naming.Context;
> import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
> import javax.naming.NamingException;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext;
> import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
> import
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> //import org.apache.turbine.util.logger;
> /**
>  *  This class provides for LDAP authentication.<p>
>  *
>  *
>  *
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    June 26, 2003
>  */
> public class LDAPAuthentication
>          extends TurbineAuthentication
>          implements PortalAuthentication {
>     /**
>      * Static initialization of the logger for this class
>      */
>     private static final JetspeedLogger logger
>                     =
> JetspeedLogFactoryService.getLogger(LDAPAuthentication.class.getName());
>     private final static String DEFAULT_CTX =
> "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory";
>     private final static String CACHING_ENABLE = "caching.enable";
>     // If browseUserDN is set, then the LDAP directory is bound to
>     // using browseUserDN/browseUserPassword, a distinguished name
>     // matching the filter userMatchAttribute (Default is
>     // "sAMAccountName".) is searched for.  Authentication fails, if one
>     // is not found.  Otherwise, the distinguished name is used to
>     // to bind and authenticate the user.
>     //
>     // For example:
>     //
> services.JetspeedSecurity.browse.user.dn=CN=Walsh\\,Michael\,OU=Ad
> min Users\,DC=ad\,DC=exer\,DC=jwfc\,DC=jfcom\,DC=mil
>     private final static String BROWSE_USER_DN = "browse.user.dn";
>     // The password to use to connect to the directory for the search.
>     private final static String BROWSE_USER_PASSWORD =
> "browse.user.password";
>     // The directory server port.  Defaulted to port 389.
>     private final static String SERVER_PORT = "server.port";
>     // The directory server host address
>     private final static String SERVER_HOST = "";
>     // The directory server type (1, 2, or 3).  Default is 2.
>     private final static String SERVER_TYPE = "server.type";
>     // Toggle server connection security to SSL, if true.
>     // Otherwise, security is assumed to be simple.
>     private final static String SERVER_SSL_ENABLE = "server.ssl.enable";
>     // The base DN to search from.
>     //
>     // For example:
>     //
> exer\,DC=jwfc\,DC=jfcom\,DC=mil
>     private final static String USER_SEARCH_BASE_DN =
> "";
>     // The user attribute to search for.  The default is "sAMAccountName".
>     private final static String USER_MATCH_ATTRIBUTE =
> "user.match.attribute";
>     // A prefix to add to the username when forming the user's
> distinguished
>     // name (DN).
>     private final static String USER_DN_PREFIX = "user.dn.prefix";
>     // A postfix to add to the username when forming the user's
> distinguished
>     // name (DN).
>     private final static String USER_DN_POSTFIX = "user.dn.postfix";
>     // The user LDAP attribute for distinguished name.  The default is
>     // "distinguishedName".
>     private final static String USER_DISTINGUISHED_NAME_ATTRIBUTE
>             = "";
>     // The user LDAP attribute for firstname.  The default is "givenName".
>     private final static String USER_FIRST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE
>             = "";
>     // The user LDAP attribute for lastname.  The default is "sn".
>     private final static String USER_LAST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE
>             = "";
>     // The user LDAP attribute for display name.  The default is
> "displayName".
>     private final static String USER_DISPLAY_NAME_ATTRIBUTE
>             = "";
>     // The user LDAP attribute for email address.  The default is "mail".
>     private final static String USER_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE
>             = "";
>     private boolean _cachingEnable = true;
>     private String _browseUserDN = null;
>     private String _browseUserPassword = null;
>     private int _serverPort = 389;
>     private String _serverHost;
>     private int _serverType = 2;
>     private boolean _serverSSLEnable = false;
>     private String _userSearchBaseDN = "/";
>     private String _userMatchAttribute = "sAMAccountName";
>     private String _userDNPrefix;
>     private String _userDNPostfix;
>     private String _userDistinguishedNameAttribute = "distinguishedName";
>     private String _userFirstNameAttribute = "givenName";
>     private String _userLastNameAttribute = "sn";
>     private String _userDisplayNameAttribute = "displayName";
>     private String _userEmailAttribute = "mail";
>     /**
>      *  logger in a Jetspeed user.
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  username            The username.
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  password            The password.
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     JetspeedUser account object.
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LoginException  Thrown, if unable to log in.
>      */
>     public JetspeedUser login(String username, String password)
>              throws LoginException {
>         if (username == null || username.equals("")) {
>   "Username is null or empty.");
>             throw new FailedLoginException("Username is null or empty.");
>         }
>         if (password == null || password.equals("")) {
>   "Password is null or empty.");
>             throw new FailedLoginException("Password is null or empty.");
>         }
>         username = JetspeedSecurity.convertUserName(username);
>         password = JetspeedSecurity.convertPassword(password);
>         if (username.equals("turbine")
>                 || username.equals("admin")
>                 || username.matches("^_.*")) {
>             // These are special users, and therefore, don't
> exist in LDAP.
>             // We roll upward to use Turbine Authentication on them
>             return (super.login(username, password));
>         }
>         String userDN = _userDNPrefix + username + _userDNPostfix;
>         // If the browse user DN is set then we need to attach to the
>         // directory and find the userDN, overwriting the above.
>         if (_browseUserDN != null) {
>             logger.debug("LDAPAuthentication:  Browsing for user <"
>                      + username
>                      + ">.");
>             try {
>                 userDN = findUserDN(username);
>             } catch (NamingException ne) {
>                 // do nothing. use the userDN setting as set
>             }
>         }
>         JetspeedUser jetspeedUser = null;
>         // The user exists.  Try to bind the user and log the user in.
>         try {
>             Properties env = new Properties();
>             env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, DEFAULT_CTX);
>             env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://"; + _serverHost + ":"
>                     + String.valueOf(_serverPort));
>             env.put("java.naming.ldap.version",
> String.valueOf(_serverType));
>             if (_serverSSLEnable) {
>                 // Specify SSL
>                 env.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "ssl");
>             }
>             env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
>             env.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, userDN);
>             env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
>             logger.debug(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  logging into LDAP
> server, env = "
>                     + env);
>             DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
>             try {
>                 // Hit the Jetspeed database looking for the user
>                 jetspeedUser =
>                         JetspeedSecurity.getUser(
>                                 new UserNamePrincipal(username));
>             } catch(JetspeedSecurityException jse) {
>                 // The user has never logged in before so
>                 // generate a new JetspeedUser instance
>                 jetspeedUser = JetspeedSecurity.getUserInstance();
>                 jetspeedUser.setUserName(username);
>                 jetspeedUser.setPassword(password);
>                 jetspeedUser.setConfirmed("CONFIRMED");
>                 jetspeedUser.setDisabled(false);
>                 jetspeedUser.setLastLogin(new Date());
>                 jetspeedUser.setCreateDate(new Date());
>                 jetspeedUser.setAccessCounter(0);
>             }
>             String[] atrrIDs = new String[4];
>             atrrIDs[0] = _userFirstNameAttribute;
>             atrrIDs[1] = _userLastNameAttribute;
>             atrrIDs[2] = _userDisplayNameAttribute;
>             atrrIDs[3] = _userEmailAttribute;
>             Attributes attributes = null;
>             logger.debug("LDAPAuthentication:  Pulling user
> attributes from"
>                     + " LDAP server");
>             attributes = ctx.getAttributes(userDN, atrrIDs);
>             jetspeedUser.setEmail(
>                     getAttributeString(_userEmailAttribute,
>                             attributes.get(_userEmailAttribute)));
>             jetspeedUser.setName(
>                     getAttributeString(_userDisplayNameAttribute,
>                             attributes.get(_userDisplayNameAttribute)));
>             jetspeedUser.setFirstName(
>                     getAttributeString(_userFirstNameAttribute,
>                             attributes.get(_userFirstNameAttribute)));
>             jetspeedUser.setLastName(
>                     getAttributeString(_userLastNameAttribute,
>                             attributes.get(_userLastNameAttribute)));
>             jetspeedUser.setAccessCounter(
>                     jetspeedUser.getAccessCounter() + 1);
>             jetspeedUser.setAccessCounterForSession(0);
>             jetspeedUser.setHasLoggedIn(new Boolean(true));
>             jetspeedUser.setPassword(password);
>             // The user has never logged in before so add 'em to the
>             // Jetspeed database.
>             if (jetspeedUser.getAccessCounter() == 1)
>                     JetspeedSecurity.addUser(jetspeedUser);
>             ctx.close();
>             env.clear();
>             jetspeedUser.updateLastLogin();
>             putUserIntoContext(jetspeedUser);
>             if (_cachingEnable) {
>                 JetspeedSecurityCache.load(username);
>             }
>         } catch(Exception e) {
>             // Catch all the uncaught expections and throw a
> LoginException
>             logger.error("Could not login Jetspeed user, <"
>                 + e.getClass().getName()
>                 + " -- "
>                 + e.getMessage() + ">");
>             throw new LoginException("Could not login "
>                      + " Jetspeed user.");
>         }
>         logger.debug(
>                 "LDAPAuthentication:  Leaving login method, returning"
>                 + " JetspeedUser object for <"
>                 + jetspeedUser.getUserName() + ">");
>         return(jetspeedUser);
>     }
>     /**
>      *  Initialize the LDAP Authentication service
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  conf                         Description of Parameter
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  InitializationException  Description of Exception
>      */
>     public synchronized void init(ServletConfig conf)
>              throws InitializationException {
>         if (getInit()) {
>             return;
>         }
>         super.init(conf);
>"LDAPAuthentication:  Initializing...");
>         // get configuration parameters from Jetspeed Resources
>         ResourceService serviceConf
>                  = ((TurbineServices) TurbineServices.getInstance())
>                 .getResources(JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME);
>         _cachingEnable = serviceConf.getBoolean(CACHING_ENABLE,
> _cachingEnable);
>         setBrowseUserDN(serviceConf.getString(BROWSE_USER_DN));
> setBrowseUserPassword(serviceConf.getString(BROWSE_USER_PASSWORD));
>         setServerPort(serviceConf.getInt(SERVER_PORT, _serverPort));
>         setServerHost(serviceConf.getString(SERVER_HOST));
>         setServerType(serviceConf.getInt(SERVER_TYPE, _serverType));
>         setServerSSLEnable(
>                 serviceConf.getBoolean(SERVER_SSL_ENABLE,
>                 _serverSSLEnable));
>         setUserSearchBaseDN(
>                 serviceConf.getString(USER_SEARCH_BASE_DN,
>                 _userSearchBaseDN));
>         setUserMatchAttribute(
>                 serviceConf.getString(USER_MATCH_ATTRIBUTE,
>                 _userMatchAttribute));
>         setUserDNPrefix(serviceConf.getString(USER_DN_PREFIX));
>         setUserDNPostfix(serviceConf.getString(USER_DN_POSTFIX));
>         setUserDistinguishedNameAttribute(
>                 serviceConf.getString(USER_DISTINGUISHED_NAME_ATTRIBUTE,
>                 _userDistinguishedNameAttribute));
>         setUserFirstNameAttribute(
>                 serviceConf.getString(USER_FIRST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE,
>                 _userFirstNameAttribute));
>         setUserLastNameAttribute(
>                 serviceConf.getString(USER_LAST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE,
>                 _userLastNameAttribute));
>         setUserDisplayNameAttribute(
>                 serviceConf.getString(USER_DISPLAY_NAME_ATTRIBUTE,
>                 _userDisplayNameAttribute));
>         setUserEmailAttribute(
>                 serviceConf.getString(USER_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE,
>                 _userEmailAttribute));
>         setInit(true);
>     }
>     /**
>      *  Sets the application user account DN *
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  browseUserDN  The new browseUserDN value
>      */
>     protected void setBrowseUserDN(String browseUserDN) {
>         _browseUserDN = browseUserDN;
>     }
>     /**
>      *  Sets the application user account password *
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  browseUserPassword            The new
> browseUserPassword value
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IllegalArgumentException  Description of Exception
>      */
>     protected void setBrowseUserPassword(String browseUserPassword)
>              throws IllegalArgumentException {
>         if ((_browseUserDN.length() > 1) &&
> (browseUserPassword.length() < 1)) {
>             logger.error(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME + "."
>                      + BROWSE_USER_PASSWORD + "value must be set, if "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME + "."
>                      + BROWSE_USER_DN + "is set.");
>             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
>         }
>         _browseUserPassword = browseUserPassword;
>     }
>     /**
>      *  Sets whether or not the LDAP connection is SSL'ed *
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  serverSSLEnable  The new serverSSLEnable value
>      */
>     protected void setServerSSLEnable(boolean serverSSLEnable) {
>         Boolean b = new Boolean(serverSSLEnable);
>         _serverSSLEnable = serverSSLEnable;
>     }
>     /**
>      *  Sets the LDAP server port to connect to *
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  port                          The new serverPort value
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IllegalArgumentException  Description of Exception
>      */
>     protected void setServerPort(int port)
>              throws IllegalArgumentException {
>         // if the entered port is outside accepted
>         // port numbers, throw the exception
>         if (port > 65536 || port < 0) {
>             logger.error(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME
>                      + "." + SERVER_PORT
>                      + "value must be between 0 and 65536.");
>             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
>         } else {
>             _serverPort = port;
>         }
>     }
>     /**
>      *  Sets the LDAP server Host to connect to *
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  serverHost                    The new serverHost value
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IllegalArgumentException  Description of Exception
>      */
>     protected void setServerHost(String serverHost)
>              throws IllegalArgumentException {
>         if (serverHost.length() < 1) {
>             logger.error(
>                      "LDAPAuthentication:  "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME
>                      + "." + SERVER_HOST
>                      + "value must be set.");
>             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
>         }
>         _serverHost = serverHost;
>     }
>     /**
>      *  Sets the LDAP server type *
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  serverType                    The new serverType value
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IllegalArgumentException  Description of Exception
>      */
>     protected void setServerType(int serverType)
>              throws IllegalArgumentException {
>         // if the entered server type is outside accepted
>         // range, throw the exception
>         if ((serverType < 0) || (serverType > 4)) {
>             logger.error(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME
>                      + "." + SERVER_TYPE
>                      + " value must be between 1 and 3.");
>             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
>         } else {
>             _serverType = serverType;
>         }
>     }
>     /**
>      *  Sets the user search base DN *
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  userSearchBaseDN              The new userSearchBaseDN value
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IllegalArgumentException  Description of Exception
>      */
>     protected void setUserSearchBaseDN(String userSearchBaseDN)
>              throws IllegalArgumentException {
>         if ((_browseUserDN.length() > 1) &&
> (userSearchBaseDN.length() < 1)) {
>             logger.error(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME + "."
>                      + USER_MATCH_ATTRIBUTE + "value must be set, if "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME + "."
>                      + USER_SEARCH_BASE_DN + "is set.");
>             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
>         }
>         _userSearchBaseDN = userSearchBaseDN;
>     }
>     /**
>      *  Sets the user match attribute value *
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  userMatchAttribute            The new
> userMatchAttribute value
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IllegalArgumentException  Description of Exception
>      */
>     protected void setUserMatchAttribute(String userMatchAttribute)
>              throws IllegalArgumentException {
>         if ((_browseUserDN.length() > 1) &&
> (userMatchAttribute.length() < 1)) {
>             logger.error(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME + "."
>                      + USER_MATCH_ATTRIBUTE + "value must be set, if "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME + "."
>                      + BROWSE_USER_DN + "is set.");
>             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
>         }
>         _userMatchAttribute = userMatchAttribute;
>     }
>     /**
>      *  Sets the user DN prefix value *
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  userDNPrefix  The new userDNPrefix value
>      */
>     protected void setUserDNPrefix(String userDNPrefix) {
>         if (userDNPrefix == null) {
>             userDNPrefix = "";
>         }
>         _userDNPrefix = userDNPrefix;
>     }
>     /**
>      *  Sets the user DN prefix value *
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  userDNPostfix  The new userDNPostfix value
>      */
>     protected void setUserDNPostfix(String userDNPostfix) {
>         if (userDNPostfix == null) {
>             userDNPostfix = "";
>         }
>         _userDNPostfix = userDNPostfix;
>     }
>     /**
>      *  Sets the user distinguished name attribute value *
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  userDistinguishedNameAttribute  The new
> userDistinguishedNameAttribute value
>      */
>     protected void setUserDistinguishedNameAttribute(
>             String userDistinguishedNameAttribute)
>             throws IllegalArgumentException {
>         if (userDistinguishedNameAttribute.length() < 1) {
>             logger.error(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME + "."
>                      + "value must be set.");
>             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
>         }
>         _userDistinguishedNameAttribute = userDistinguishedNameAttribute;
>     }
>     protected void setUserFirstNameAttribute(String
> userFirstNameAttribute)
>              throws IllegalArgumentException {
>         if (userFirstNameAttribute.length() < 1) {
>             logger.error(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME + "."
>                      + USER_FIRST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE + "value must be set.");
>             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
>         }
>         _userFirstNameAttribute = userFirstNameAttribute;
>     }
>     protected void setUserLastNameAttribute(String userLastNameAttribute)
>              throws IllegalArgumentException {
>         if (userLastNameAttribute.length() < 1) {
>             logger.error(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME + "."
>                      + USER_LAST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE + "value must be set.");
>             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
>         }
>         _userLastNameAttribute = userLastNameAttribute;
>     }
>     protected void setUserDisplayNameAttribute(String
> userDisplayNameAttribute)
>              throws IllegalArgumentException {
>         if (userDisplayNameAttribute.length() < 1) {
>             logger.error(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME + "."
>                      + USER_DISPLAY_NAME_ATTRIBUTE + "value must
> be set.");
>             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
>         }
>         _userDisplayNameAttribute = userDisplayNameAttribute;
>     }
>     protected void setUserEmailAttribute(String userEmailAttribute)
>              throws IllegalArgumentException {
>         if (userEmailAttribute.length() < 1) {
>             logger.error(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  "
>                      + JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME + "."
>                      + USER_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE + "value must be set.");
>             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
>         }
>         _userEmailAttribute = userEmailAttribute;
>     }
>     /**
>      *  Find the user for a given username
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  username             The user submitted username
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      The distinguished name String
> for the user
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  NamingException  Returned, if unable to bind.
>      */
>     protected String findUserDN(String username)
>              throws NamingException {
>         String userDN = null;
>         Properties env = new Properties();
>         env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, DEFAULT_CTX);
>         env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://"; + _serverHost + ":"
>                  + String.valueOf(_serverPort));
>         env.put("java.naming.ldap.version", String.valueOf(_serverType));
>         if (_serverSSLEnable) {
>             // Specify SSL
>             env.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "ssl");
>         }
>         env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
>         env.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, _browseUserDN);
>         env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, _browseUserPassword);
>         InitialLdapContext ctx;
>         try {
>             logger.debug(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  logging into LDAP
> server, " + env);
>             ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env, null);
>             logger.debug(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  logged into LDAP
> server, " + ctx);
>         } catch (NamingException e) {
>             logger.error(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  <"
>                      + _browseUserDN
>                      + "> failed to connect to "
>                      + _serverHost
>                      + ", "
>                      + e.getMessage());
>             env.clear();
>             throw new NamingException();
>         }
>         // set up subtree scope
>         SearchControls constraints = new SearchControls();
>         constraints.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE);
>         // only interested in distinguishedName attribute
>         String attrList[] = {"distinguishedName"};
>         constraints.setReturningAttributes(attrList);
>         constraints.setDerefLinkFlag(true);
>         Attributes matchAttrs = new BasicAttributes(true);
>         matchAttrs.put(new BasicAttribute(_userMatchAttribute, username));
>         String filter = "(" + _userMatchAttribute + "=" + username + ")";
>         logger.debug("LDAPAuthentication:  Searching with filter
> = " + filter);
>         NamingEnumeration response
>                  =, filter, constraints);
>         int numFound = 0;
>         // tromp through results. last match returned
>         if (response.hasMore()) {
>             SearchResult result = (SearchResult);
>             Attributes attributes = result.getAttributes();
>             if (attributes != null) {
>                 Attribute dn = attributes.get("distinguishedName");
>                 if (dn != null) {
>                     userDN = (String) dn.get();
>                     numFound++;
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>         // close connection for browse user
>         ctx.close();
>         if (numFound > 1) {
>             logger.warn(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  Not an error, but we found "
>                      + numFound + " matches for "
>                      + username + ".");
>             env.clear();
>             throw new NamingException();
>         }
>         logger.debug(
>                 "LDAPAuthentication:  Returning user DN = <" +
> userDN + ">");
>         env.clear();
>         return (userDN);
>     }
>      /**
>      *  Returns the String value for the specified LDAP attribute ID.
>      *
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]    attributeID     Ued for error reporting.
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]    attribute       The Attribute of interest
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   The String value of the attribute.
>      */
>     protected String getAttributeString(String attributeID,
>             Attribute attribute) {
>         if (attribute != null) {
>             try {
>                 if (attribute.get() != null) {
>                     logger.debug(
>                             "LDAPAuthentication:  " + attribute.getID()
>                              + " = " + (String) attribute.get());
>                     return ((String) attribute.get());
>                 } else {
>                     logger.debug(
>                             "LDAPAuthentication:  " + attribute.getID()
>                              + " = null, returning empty string.");
>                     return ("EMPTY");
>                 }
>             } catch (NamingException ne) {
>                 logger.debug(
>                         "LDAPAuthentication:  Unable to access "
>                          + attribute.getID() + " attribute, returning"
>                          + " empty string.");
>                 return ("EMPTY");
>             }
>         } else {
>             logger.debug(
>                     "LDAPAuthentication:  " + attributeID
>                      + " attribute does not exist for this user,
> returning"
>                      + " empty string.");
>             return ("EMPTY");
>         }
>     }
> }
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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