On Monday, September 8, 2003, at 11:50 AM, Santiago Gala Pérez wrote:

El domingo, 7 sept, 2003, a las 11:55 Europe/Madrid, robert burrell donkin escribió:

the apache software foundation policy concerning releases is now that all releases should be available only through:

1. the main mirrored ASF distribution directories
2. the main ASF archives

jetspeed is not currently available through the mirrors.

my proposal is that:

1. the latest jetspeed release (1.4b4) be summed, signed and added to the mirrored directories and linked from the main jakarta download > page
2. the old releases be moved to archive.apache.org
3. all requests for downloads from the old directories be redirected to the main jakarta binary download page where the latest release can be download or the link to the archives can be followed

(unless someone else steps forward) i'll volunteer to carry out this work.
(unless someone corrects me) i'll assume that the decision will proceed by lazy consensus. (unless someone forces a vote before then) i'll carry out this work sometime after 12 noon GMT wednesday (10th september).


If you require any special steps for doing this process, please document them, as we are about to release a jetspeed version, and jetspeed-2 releases will need this procedure.


the new way to do ASF releases is quite a bit different from the old way. in short, you need to use the mirroring system and consequently it's important that the releases are put in the right directories and the releases need to have check sums calculated and must be signed.

there is some documentation on the wiki: http://nagoya.apache.org/wiki/apachewiki.cgi?ReleaseManager contains links to important documents around the ASF. (unfortunately, the process isn't completed documented in any one place.) i have documented how to convert to the mirrors (http://jakarta.apache.org/site/convert-to-mirror.html) but i'd suggest that when creating a new release it's better to use the how to release documentation (rather than the how-to-convert stuff).

since (AIUI) jetspeed 2 will rely on pluto and the pluto team will need to be able to perform releases before it can graduate from the incubator, i'd suggest that (since all active jetspeed committers are eligable for pluto)
anyone who's interested in acting as a jetspeed release manager gets involved with the pluto incubation.

note also that the pmc should be copied now when you're proposing releases.

if you do have any questions about releases then please post them to general or pmc at jakarta.

- robert

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