
> > > 2) improve the included themes for Jetspeed. We need more
> > professional
> > > looking themes. Need to make the default configuration more
> > refined
> > > and more useful.
> >
> > Nice to have but IMO not a must for the final release.
> really disagree here. a good clean slick GUI can do more to sell
> a product than all the technical underpinnings combined.
> additionally, a slick GUI greatly enhances the usability of a product.

Yes, I agree to certain degree - this is why Plumtree sells better that IBM
WPS ;-) However, Jetspeed is very extensible and you'll develop your own
user interface anyway. Just take a look at what they did with Jetspeed here
(among others):

I think that Aurelien has something in works there and also Fabien Guibert
promised to contribute. That's down the road and will not happen in time for
the final release.

> I volunteer. though I'm a big fan of just using XML most people
> want some that prints nicely like PDF.

XML works for me.

> >
> > Do you have any time that you can contribute helping out with
> > the final release?
> yep. absolutely!

Thanks. The final release will go in with the current CVS but we'll
definitely need help in 1.5. I think that the theme for 1.5 will be user
interface + documentation improvements.

Best regards,

Mark Orciuch - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java

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