
Raphaël Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java

Le 15 mai 04, à 00:06, David Sean Taylor a écrit :

I would like to nominate Ate Douma as a committer to the Jetspeed team.
Ate has shown the daily commitment and enthusiasm which I believe has earned him the right to become a member of the team.

Over the last few months, I have worked with Ate on a daily basis on Jetspeed-2, often until the wee hours of the Dutch mornings.
He has been sending almost daily patches to me for over a month now, and has been key to finding and often fixing complex bugs,
developing core frameworks (Struts Portlet Framework), and developing core features (Login Portlet and Active Authentication).

Here is a summary of the contributions made by Ate to Jetspeed-2:

**** Delivered new features to J2 ****

- JS2-15 Struts Portlet Framework including demo StrutsPortlet.
                Enables usage of Struts for portlet development.

- Active authentication
New Login implementation using declarative web security transparently
usable from any page.

**** Lots of testing with several bug reports, fixes and patches *****

- JS2-4: ActionURL parameters not accessible: wrongly encoded.
               Supplied the cause and solution

- JS2-5: portlet render called twice after an actionRequest
              Supplied the patch

- JS2-6: PageAggregation with STRATEGY_SEQUENTIAL broken.
               Only reported it

- JS2-7: o.a.j.aggregator.impl.HttpBufferedResponse.getOutputStream()
              wraps the wrong writer.
              Supplied the patch

- JS2-9: Caching of portal parameters
o.a.j.engine.servlet.ServletRequestImpl.getParameterMap() prevents
subsequent RequestDispatcher invocation query string parameter merging.
Deep investigation of the problem and options for a solution. Not
solved yet but a possible solution is implemented in the Struts Portlet

- JS2-10: ClassCastException in
Supplied the patch

- JS2-11: Offline (Maven -o) usage of o.a.j.tools.pamanager.DeployUtilities.
Supplied the patch

- JS2-14: Base tag usage in portal layout breaks anchor references in
                 portlet output.
                 Supplied the cause and solution

- JS2-17: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException during parallel
                 Portlet rendering.
                 Supplied the cause. Not solved yet.

- JS2-18: Cannot run J2 using Oracle due to problems with OBJ, Torque
and dependencies on HSQLDB.
Supplied a complete investigation of issues needed to fix and several
patches to allow building against externally defined databases. Helped
out on finding and testing corrections to OJB and Torque.

- JS2-19: TestFileCache always failing if it failed before.
                  Supplied the patch.

- Investigated and tested JAAS authentication using RdbmsLoginModule.
   Reported back still open issues.

**** Suggested a few new features and missing requirements initiated with on the dev list ****

(http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/ReadMsg?listId=22&msgNo=13261 and

- JS2-21: Missing Security Feature: Check roles assigned to any group to
user belongs (issue created by David Le Strat).
No implementation yet.

- JS2-22: Security Feature Missing: Implement declarative security
(issue created by David Le Strat).
Delivered most of the solution already, including required changes
for Pluto (committed). Will finish this very soon.

- JS2-23: User/Security Management Portlets (issue created by David Le Strat).
No implementation yet.

- JS2-27: Allow disable of Groups and Roles.
                  No implementation yet.

David Sean Taylor
Bluesunrise Software
[office]   +01 707 773-4646
[mobile] +01 707 529 9194

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