David Sean Taylor wrote:

Here is the resulting feature set for the M1 or FINAL release.

For those of with your names next to a feature, please +1 the appropriate box as to whether you will finish the feature for either M1 or FINAL. If you have changed your mind, put a -1.

Scott, since you weren't at the meeting, I took the liberty to sign you up for a few features. Thought you'd appreciate that ...

Next we have to decide on a release date.
Alternatively, we could simply not release M1 until all the features below are ready....

[ ] [ X ] -- ALL -- Close Open Issues (Bugs)
[ ] [ ] -- SS -- Portal CSS
[ ] [ ] -- DST -- Cleanup and Reorganize the demo portal
[ ] [ ] -- SW -- Portlet Selector for the customizer
[ ] [ ] -- DLS -- User Admin Portlets (JS2-121)
[ ] [ ] -- DST -- Site Manager
[ ] [ ] -- RW -- Web Content Component
[X ] [ ] -- RR -- SSO Component
[ ] [ ] -- RW -- Secure Access to Site Resources (JS2-111)
[ ] [ ] -- RL -- Site Documentation
[ ] [ ] -- DST -- Portlets
[ X ] [ ] -- RR -- Bridges
[ ] [ ] -- AD -- Enhanced credential security (JS2-151)
[ ] [ ] -- AD -- TCK compliance
[ ] [ ] -- AD -- Dhtml horizontal menu with pulldown submenus
[ ] [ ] -- RW -- Page decoration configuration defining allowable
[ ] [ ] -- SS -- Fixing Portlet info, resourcebundle and LanguageSet [ ] [ ] -- SW -- Declarative TX with Spring DAO
[ ] [ ] -- SG -- SVN, mailing lists
[ ] [ ] -- --
[ ] [ ] -- -- JCMS Page Manager
[ ] [ ] -- -- JMX Component Configurator Portlet

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