Randy Watler (JIRA) wrote:

Randy Watler commented on JS2-69: ---------------------------------


After devoting some time to this issue over the week I think I have
come up with the heart of a proposal. I plan on commiting it to an
official design document in all of its glory soon, but I would like
some feedback first.


Im going to try to summarize your proposal so that I can better
understand it. Lets try to stay out of too many implementation issues
for now...

* There will be a new session context object: Site
* The profiled page context object will no longer be used directly
  Instead Site should be used in all navigation templates

If this is correct, then with your upcoming official document, could I
request to see a public API (interfaces) for the new Site interface and
high level examples for several use cases

3. Basic utilities will be implemented by the site session context
object that mimic the existing PageManager/Profiler features. These
will minimally include: getPage(), getFolder(), getSiblingFolders(),
getSiblingPages(), and getRootLinks(). The new getRootFolder(),
getRootPages(), and getRootFolders() access will also implemented to
facilitate ad-hoc access to the root of the profiled site.

Is this for backward compatibility?
I have existing systems usuing the page context 'api'...

4. Document sets will be deprecated and replaced with named menu
definitions that will appear in the folder.metadata files. In the

+1 In you design doc, could you provide examples of menu definitions

5. The implementation of the functionality behind the site session
context object and its proxy hierarchies will be encapsulated in a
separate component I am referring to as the PortalNavigations
component. I am also considering the implementation of another
compatible component that simply returns underlying Folders, Pages,
and other documents from the PageManager without employing the
Profiler or Security; this would also eliminate the need for proxies
and delegation.

There is a Site session object used internally Then a PortletNavigations component...

Perhaps some UML (sorry XPers) or even circles and lines would help
about now (components, pipeline context interfaces, interfaces provided to template developers). I need to start at a higher, design level before getting into all of the implementation details

David Sean Taylor
Bluesunrise Software
[office] +01 707 773-4646
[mobile] +01 707 529 9194

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