jford       2005/04/05 18:15:55

  Modified:    xdocs    portlet_config_GenericMVC.xml
  Added more documentation on the Generic MVC Portlet
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +85 -2     jakarta-jetspeed/xdocs/portlet_config_GenericMVC.xml
  Index: portlet_config_GenericMVC.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-jetspeed/xdocs/portlet_config_GenericMVC.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- portlet_config_GenericMVC.xml     3 Apr 2005 22:39:09 -0000       1.1
  +++ portlet_config_GenericMVC.xml     6 Apr 2005 01:15:55 -0000       1.2
  @@ -102,8 +102,91 @@
  -  <section name="Explanation of the Generic MVC Portlet's render/action 
  +  <section name="Explanation of the Generic MVC Portlet's action/render 
  +    <p>
  +    It is important to understand the Generic MVC Portlet's render and 
action phasing to properly understand what is going on.
  +    </p>
  +    <subsection name="History">
  +     <p>
  +         In the past, portlets were required to use Turbine actions.  
  +         The action parameter on the url was required in order to execute an 
action on a portlet.
  +     When Turbine processed the incoming URL, it would execute the action 
that was passed in on the URL.
  +     This action occurred first, before any rendering had started.  
  +     Two side effects of the action firing first were:  
  +     1) redirects could be used to forward the portal to another PSML and 
  +     2) data could be placed into the session or user temp and other 
porltets would render updated content.
  +     </p>
  +    </subsection>
  +    <subsection name="Generic MVC Portlet anction/render phase">
  +     <p>
  +        With the Genereic MVC Portlet, actions are fired directly before a 
portlet's content is rendered.  
  +             The action is not specified in the URL, but is instead 
specified in the registry.  
  +             To fire an action, simply specifying an eventSubmit_domyaction 
on the url will fire domyaction if that method exists in the action class.
  +             However, this also allows multiple portlets domyaction method 
to fire.  
  +             To limit this to the actual portlet instance that was used to 
submit the action, one needs to specify the portlet id on the URL as well.  
  +             </p>
  +             <p>
  +             <code>
$jslink.getPortletById($portlet.ID).addQueryData("eventSubmit_domyaction", "1")
  +             </code>
  +             </p>
  +             <p>
  +             Since the action is now being fired during the render process, 
it is now too late for redirects.  
  +             This can somewhat complicate development of portlets/psmls that 
depend on each other.
  +             Also, now that the action is not fired until directly before 
rendering, any dependant portlets may not see any data changes until a second 
browser refresh.
  +             </p>
  +    </subsection>
  +    <subsection name="Development Guidelines">
  +     <p>
  +             Here are some guidelines to developing your portlet when using 
the Generic MVC Portlet.
  +             <ul>
  +                     <li>
  +                             <p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Use 
multiple templates when necessary</span></p>
  +                             <p>
  +                                     In your action, calling setTemplate 
allows you to change the currently displayed template.
  +                                     This can cut down on messy Velocity/JSP 
code to handle different display states within the same file.
  +                             </p>
  +                     </li>
  +                     <li>
  +                             <p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Use 
PortletSessionState and PortletConfigState</span></p>
  +                             <p>
  +                                     PortletSessionState provides methods 
for setting/getting/removing data for a specific portlet instance.
  +                                     This allows you to keep session data 
without worrying about overwriting another portlet's data.
  +                             </p>
  +                             <p>
  +                                     PortletConfigState provides access to 
helpful methods for retrieving and setting parameters for a portlet.
  +                             </p>
  +                     </li>
  +                     <li>
  +                             <p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Avoid 
Writing Your Own Portlet</span></p>
  +                             <p>
  +                                     With the GenericMVCPortlet, there is 
usually not a need to write your own class.
  +                                     Simply create a registry entry and use 
GenericMVCPortlet as the parent.
  +                                     All you need to do is provide a 
  +                                     If you wish to provide dynamic content, 
provide an action parameter in the registry and write an action instead.
  +                             </p>
  +                     </li>
  +                     <li>
  +                             <p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Always 
derive from GenericMVCAction</span></p>
  +                             <p>
  +                                     Continuing from the previous tip, if 
developing dynamic content, simply subclass the GenericMVCAction class.
  +                                     There is no need to subclass either the 
VelocityPorltetAction of the JspPortletAction.
  +                                     Both of these classes derive from 
GenericMVCAction themselves.  
  +                                     By subclassing directly from 
GenericMVCAction, you can switch between JSP and Velocity without having to 
worry about touching you action class.
  +                             </p>
  +                     </li>
  +             </ul>
  +     </p>
  +    </subsection>
  +    <p>
  +    </p>  
     <section name='Example of Portlets'>

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