I got this same error when I installed the j2M2 binary release.  I
went to http://portlet-opensrc.sourceforge.net/index.htm and
downloaded the google portlet, then dropped it into the
jetspeed/WEB-INF/deploy directory.  That worked and now the google
portlet works.

On Apr 10, 2005 2:20 AM, Ate Douma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Graig,
> This is an problem I encountered before but never got around to properly
> track down and solve.
> I think you installed M2 using the same database you used for a previous
> installment of an earlier version of Jetspeed-2 (at least, I encountered
> the same problem that way). Jetspeed-2 maintains a cache of PortletEntities
> in the database but still doesn't have a way to automatically update these
> when a fragment definition changes (while the fragment id remains unchanged).
> You should be able to workaround your problem by updating the fragment id in
> the psml files.
> Or, "delete" the portlet application using the new PALM portlet. You need to 
> stop
> if first then. Beware: you will also lose your preferences that way.
> If the portlet application is started again (through the Tomcat manager or 
> after
> restart of Tomcat), it will automatically be registered again.
> The strange thing with your specific error is though (and something I haven't 
> been
> able to track down yet) that the cache entry should be removed after the 
> first error
> and afterwards (subsequent request) this should not occur anymore.
> But I know that isn't the case and your report proves it too.
> I haven't been able to reproduce it again myself yet but I definitely want to 
> solve
> this problem. You could help me out by providing the complete jetspeed.log
> (under WEB-INF/logs) after you reproduced this problem at least two times 
> again for
> the same portlet (just a refresh of the page should be enough).
> Hopefully I can derive from the stack traces the exact flow in which this 
> goes wrong.
> Please *don't* update your psml files before doing that ;-)
> Regards, Ate
> Craig Doremus wrote:
> >
> > The third party portlets that come with Jetspeed Milestone 2 do not
> > appear to work.
> >
> > In View mode, the following appears in the portlet window for the Google
> > Portlet:
> > Encountered the following problem(s) while attmepting to render portlet
> > fragment: googlePortlet1
> > Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> > org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No
> > PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from cache.
> > Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> > Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> > org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No
> > PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from cache.
> > Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> >
> > When logged as an Admin user, the following appears in the portlet
> > window for the Google Portlet in Edit mode:
> > Encountered the following problem(s) while attmepting to render portlet
> > fragment: googlePortlet1
> > Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> > org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No
> > PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from cache.
> > Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> > Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> > org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No
> > PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from cache.
> > Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> > Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> > org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No
> > PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from cache.
> > Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> > Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> > org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No
> > PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from cache.
> > Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> >
> >
> > The other third party portlets (RSS Plumtree Portlet and Sun Portlets)
> > throw similar errors. This error was confirmed in two separate
> > Jetspeed-2.0-M2 installations.
> > /Craig
> >
> >
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