Seth Ford wrote:
I am trying it out but I think I am doing something wrong with the
jetspeed2-layout-portlets.war.... Doesn't it still go in the WEB-INF
deploy folder? I put it there but I am seeing
INFO: Loading portlet application from web archive C:\apps\tomcat\5.0.
INFO: Portlet application "jetspeed": registered=true, deployed=true
INFO: Portlet application "jetspeed" already registered.  Skipping ini
INFO: Portlet application registration target is jetspeed ...
INFO: Adding file:/C:/apps/tomcat/5.0.28/temp/jetspeed-jar-tmp/jetspee
war/WEB-INF/classes/ to class path.
INFO: Adding file:/C:/apps/tomcat/5.0.28/temp/jetspeed-jar-tmp/jetspee
war/WEB-INF/lib/portals-bridges-velocity-0.1.jar to class path.
INFO: Registered portlet app in the class loader registry... jetspeed
INFO: Registered portlet app in the search engine... jetspeed
INFO: Portlet application registration of jetspeed complete.
INFO: Portlet app "jetspeed" successfuly (re)deployed.

and I get an error coming back from the browser for the branch

I'm not sure which version of J2 you are testing but it certainly isn't
the deployment_refactoring branch.
Looking at the logging you provided this looks a cvs head version to me.
The deployment_refactoring doesn't need temporary deployment folders like
/temp/jetspeed-jar-tmp anymore and furthermore the jetspeed-layouts local
pa is registered under its own name: jetspeed-layouts (which means I had
to change the psml definitions for that too).

Encountered the following problem(s) while attmepting to render portlet fragment: dp-1 Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for jetspeed::VelocityTwoColumns org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No PortletEntity exists for for id dp-1 removing window from cache. Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for jetspeed::VelocityTwoColumns org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No PortletEntity exists for for id dp-1 removing window from cache.

On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 03:01:59 +0100, Ate Douma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear all,

Today I committed a big update for the deployment refactoring branch.
I've added the following features:

- Moved Deployment interfaces and related components to the jetspeed-api 
 as well as the ApplicationServerManager interface and its new Result component.
 This allows access to these services for portlet applications.

- Provided a new ManagerServlet somewhat like the ManagerServlet of Tomcat.
 It allows remote control of portlet applications and the registry with the
 following functions: start, stop, reload, list, undeploy and deploy (upload).
 I also created a new JetspeedConsole CLI using the ManagerServlet which works
 well, but which I haven't committed yet because I need to clean it up first.

- The ManagerServlet depends for several of its tasks on a 
 implementation. With the TomcatManager all of its features can now be used.
 The implementations of the JBossManager and WeblogicManager are still empty
 shells though and probably someone else with more knowledge of these
 application servers should take a look at those.

- A new PortletApplicationManager portlet. Yes, another PAM indeed, and the
 naming of these is getting confusing.
 This new portlet though provides (almost) the same functionality as the 
 Its lists all registered portlet applications in a table with action links for:
 start, stop, undeploy and delete (unregister from the registry).
 It also shows if an portlet application actually is running or not.
 Because I wanted to provide this functionality in table layout, I decided to 
 implement it in the already existing PAM (PortletApplicationBrowser) portlet 
 presents the portlet applications and its portlets in a tree.
 For now, this portlet is accessible from the Administrative folder (pam2.psml).
 We probably need to discuss though if and/or how these two portlets should be
 This portlet also depends on a ApplicationServerManager. If none is configured 
 for JBoss) it will still show if a portlet application is running or not and 
 to delete (unregister) an portlet application.

- J2 on JBoss
 Because one of the premises of this deployment refactoring was that it should 
 it easier to deploy J2 on other application servers as well, I decided to 
prove this
 and got my feet wet trying it out for JBoss (3.2.7).

 With success!
 I wrote a list of things to do to get this branch running on JBoss in a 
comment to
 Once this branch is merged into the head branch I'll provide proper 
instructions on
 the website or wiki (although I'm not much of a wiki jockey yet).
 I also tested with JBoss 4.0.1sp1 which looks to be working just as well. I 
 have time to test that one a lot though.

 Of course, there were quite a few problems to solve, but *none* were related to
 (re)deployment. And many of the problems as indicated by the wiki pages for 
 deployment of the M1 or current head version of J2 seems to be resolved :-)

 The following issues are important though:
 - commons-logging and Log4J dependencies
   JBoss provides commons-logging and Log4J, as well as the Log4J configuration 
   a shared classloader to all the applications.
   This really is conflicting with the way we use them in Jetspeed-2 under 
   (although Tomcat 5.5 also is giving more headaches with this now).
   One simply cannot have the commons-logging and log4j jars anymore in 
   because it definitely is giving classloader problems under JBoss.

   Furthermore, our own log4j configuration conflicts with the global 
   provided with JBoss. If you initialize a new log4j configuration from a web 
   like we do with J2, you end up closing and detaching existing loggers and 
   and rerouting them into the J2 logging. Likewise, if some other web 
   deployed after J2 does the same, the J2 logging might get closed and 
detached and
   rerouted into this other web application its logging.

   Anyway you look at it, dynamic log4j configuration is very problematic under 
   And, while scanning the internet for a way around this, I found out many 
   encountered the same problem and not only on JBoss but other application 
   as well.

   After a long investigation of the concrete implementations of 
commons-logging and
   log4j though I've come up with a solution which I called IsolatedLog4JLogger.
   As I put a lot of javadoc into that class I'm not going to reproduce it here.
   But, I invite everyone to have a look at it. Its currently only committed to 
   deployment_refactoring branch under portal/src/java/org/apache/jetspeed/util.

   Whats left is a future solution of the packaging of these jars. Having to 
   them after a war is build is quite dumb and easy to forget as well.

 - JBoss UniversalClassLoader
   I don't think I have to explain anyone interested in JBoss what this means.
   Anyway, with a few tweaks to the JBoss configurations I managed to get it 
   "properly" ;-) Other solutions are also possible (like providing a 
   in *all* portlet application war files).

 - JAAS authentication
   This was quite simple to implement but in the end turned out to be working 
   half way.
   The authentication itself is easy to do by configuring our 
DefaultLoginModule in
   the JBoss login-config.xml.
   But, the propagation of the Subject principals to JBoss is quite a problem.
   Simply put: none is.
   JBoss requires the Subject to be configured with a 
   "Roles" containing all the "Role" principals. As our security principals 
   implement java.securitry.acl.Group (yet) none is recognized by JBoss.
   After some further investigation, it turns out other application servers
   might require a Group implementation as well. So, we might need to refactor 
   security principals a bit to get this to work.
   As we don't actually *use* request.isUserInRole(roleName) in our demo 
   yet (except for the security demo portlet), the default J2 deployment 
   works quite good.

Well, I'd be very interested in others experiences with this branch (the latest 
from before my last changes). I know some are trying it out on different 
platforms as

Seth Ford is still unsuccessful with getting M1 running on WebSpere. Seth, I 
really help you out with WebSphere but I really would suggest you try it out 
with the
latest from this branch (check the JBoss deployment instructions as reference).

I think that with a few success stories of other deployments on different 
of this branch it might be almost ready for merging with the head.
Deleting (unregistering) of portlet applications is now provided for, as well as
start, stop, (remote) deployment and undeployment for Tomcat.

If anyone has some requirements which should be fixed/implemented on this branch
before considering it ready for merge with the head (besides more proof it works
too on other platforms), please let me know. If possible and reasonable, I'll 
to provide for it.

Regards, Ate

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