I'm using tomcat-jetspeed-M2 and trying to add some
168 portlets to my existing webapp.   The webapp
itself is rather large (80MB) and I tend to run tomcat
by droping a foo.xml file in the
tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost directory where foo.xml
<Context path="/foo"
docBase="c:/pathtomywebappbuilddir/foo" >

Tomcat deploys my foo app correctly, but the
JetspeedContainerServlet isn't looking for my
portlet.xml file and deploying it as a Portal
Application.   I tried dropping my foo.xml in the
webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/deploy directory but got the
unrecognized file type error.

So I'm having to .war up my webapp and deploying in to
WEB-INF/deploy after startup but the unpacking time is
killing me.   Is there anyway to trigger the Poral App
deploy from a remote docbase?   If not, what are the
plans to do so and can I assist?

Bob Skinner

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