Instead of
<cewolf:img chartid="line" renderer="cewolf" width="400" height="300"/>

try renderer ="/cewolf" or renderer="jetspeed/cewolf".
I think one of these worked for me...

On 4/18/05, Michael Neilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm attempting to insert a Cewolf/JFreeChart chart as a portlet. The 
> portlet
> is rendered and I see the output from the jsp but the images are not 
> found.
> The jar files from the cewolf distribution are in 
> ${CATALINA_HOME}/shared/lib.
> I can't find any error message in ${CATALINA_HOME}/logs or
> ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/jetspeed/logs to indicate a problem. Any 
> suggestions
> would be greatly appreciated....
> default-page.psml:
> <fragment id="cewolf-1" type="portlet" name="demo::CewolfPortlet">
> <property layout="TwoColumns" name="row" value="3" />
> <property layout="TwoColumns" name="column" value="0" />
> </fragment>
> cewolf.jsp:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType="text/html"%>
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] import="de.laures.cewolf.*" %>
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] uri='/WEB-INF/cewolf.tld' prefix='cewolf' %>
> <HTML>
> <BODY>
> <H1>Page View Statistics</H1>
> <HR>
> <jsp:useBean id="pageViews" class="
> de.laures.cewolf.example.PageViewCountData"/>
> <cewolf:chart
> id="line"
> title="Page View Statistics"
> type="line"
> xaxislabel="Page"
> yaxislabel="Views">
> <cewolf:data>
> <cewolf:producer id="pageViews"/>
> </cewolf:data>
> </cewolf:chart>
> <p>
> <cewolf:img chartid="line" renderer="cewolf" width="400" height="300"/>
> <P>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> portlet.xml:
> <portlet id="CewolfPortlet">
> <init-param>
> <name>storage</name>
> <value></value>
> </init-param>
> <!-- sets overlib.js location relative to webapp -->
> <init-param>
> <name>overliburl</name>
> <value>etc/overlib.js</value>
> </init-param>
> <!-- turn on or off debugging logging -->
> <init-param>
> <name>debug</name>
> <value>true</value>
> </init-param>
> <init-param>
> <name>ViewPage</name>
> <value>/WEB-INF/cewolf.jsp</value>
> </init-param>
> <portlet-name>CewolfPortlet</portlet-name>
> <display-name>Cewolf Portlet</display-name>
> <description>Cewolf charting example</description>
> <portlet-class>org.apache.portals.bridges.common.GenericServletPortlet
> </portlet-class>
> <expiration-cache>-1</expiration-cache>
> <supports>
> <mime-type>text/html</mime-type>
> <portlet-mode>VIEW</portlet-mode>
> </supports>
> </portlet>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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