Perhaps you can help?
I'm trying to write a Forum portlet as a means to learn all about
portlets / struts bridges and of course the wonderful Jetspeed2 itself!
In the portlet I'm writing I'd like to provide access to Forums based on
a users Role membership.
I understand that JAAS is being used with a RDBMS login module but I am
unsure how I grab a list of all the users roles to allow a filter of
those Forums available to the user.
Is it the correct approach to use the users role in this manner or would
I be better of trying to setup user preferences?
I've looked at the Jetspeed2 Security Docs which mentions the use of
user.getSubject().getPrincipals() to provide a list of the users
associated roles but I'm not sure how to first access the user! I can of
course access the Princpial using the httprequest.getUserPrincipal() but
I really need access to the complete list of a users Roles.

In essence I'd like to capture the rich portal defined user info around
Role and Group access to use it in a portlet.

Any thoughts or tips would be very useful.

Kind regards, 

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