 I am relatively new to Jetspeed. I am using v1.3a2. So far everything has
been fine. I like jetspeed a lot. I was able to use portlets without any
problem. I have 2 issues:

1. showing JSP inside portlet window. I see JSP contents at the top of the
page. Will this be fixed in the near future? I have 15 days to complete my

2. How to generate peer classes for my database (app specific) tables within
jetspeed. Is there any other way for doing O-R mapping? What is the best way
to bring SQL results to the template. Please advise. 

thanks very much,

-----Original Message-----
From: Frans Thamura
Sent: 8/12/01 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: Jetspeed and frames

I think this concept is look like mycnn.com (today
mycnn.com become mynetscape.com, isn't it?)

I have tried this, but if I want to archive it, the
page cannot be saved.

I found this if there is a complex javascript in the


--- Dave Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've also been exploring the use of frames in
> Jetspeed.  With my application,
> some of the content is large and benefits from an
> independently scrollable
> pane.  Also, one pane displays a file-folder
> hierarchy that is generated by
> javascript and is very slow to render, so I don't
> want to refresh it each time
> the page is updated.
> I've already built this application in non-jetspeed
> JSP and servlets and am
> still trying to get my head wrapped around the flow
> of control for templates.
> With 3 top-level frames, each one is displaying a
> separate URL, all managed by
> Jetspeed/turbine in my application.  So I want 3
> different "default"
> templates, depending on which pane is displaying the
> content.
> Any suggestions?  I've had some success with 3
> different Home.vm screens that
> each set a different template.
> -- Dave
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Sean Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > You can use frames.
> > One of my clients has a Jetspeed frame-controller
> written in ECS.
> > I don't know of any other way to control the size
> of a WebPagePortlet.
> > If anyone knows how to do this with frames, please
> let us know!
> >
> >
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