Vincent Bonamy wrote:

> Hello,
> I try to use the
> Registry.getEntry(regName, entryName)
> but it returns to me null everytime!
> I tried with
> regName = "local-portlets.xreg"   ( or regName =
> "$conf_jetspeed/local-portlets.xreg")
> entryName="Geomath"
> I have an entry in my ocal-portlets.xreg:
> <portlet-entry name="Geomath"          ....            >
> ....
> </portlet-entry>
> What is wrong please?
> Can you explain me ?

As always, look at the code... Registry is used everywhere.

To answer directly your question

PortletEntry geomath = (PortletEntry)Registry.getEntry(Registry.PORTLET, "Geomath");

The regname parameter describes the Registry name which is related to the type
of object stored not to the implementation xreg file.

Raphael Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vivendi Universal Networks - Paris

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