WebSphere Portal Server 1.2 already has the new Portlet API; JetSpeed still
has the old one since the plan was to first finish the 1.3 a 2 release that
has several other new features and then move to the new API.

Best regards,


Thomas Schaeck
Portal Architect
IBM Pervasive Computing Division
Phone: +49-(0)7031-16-3479   Mobile: +49-(0)171-6928407   e-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: +49-(0)7031-16-4888
Address: IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, Schoenaicher Str. 220, 71032
Boeblingen, Germany

David Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/25/2001 01:23:36 AM

Please respond to "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:   "'Scott A. Roehrig '" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "'Jetspeed Users List '"
Subject:  RE: IBM WPS: What version of Jetspeed does it use?

Looking at the contents of the Jetspeed.jar which is in
H:\PortalServer\app\web\WEB-INF\lib I find that there are numerous classes
in this jar not present in the 1.3a2 source distribution.

Specifically I was looking for the implementation for
FilePortletServiceRegistry in package

I found it in the jar as a class file, but it is not in the
jetspeed-1.3a2-release-src source distribution.

Any help would be appreciated... feels like I am finding my way in the dark
without knowing what version of Jetspeed I am working with.



-----Original Message-----
From: Scott A. Roehrig
To: Jetspeed Users List
Sent: 12/21/01 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: IBM WPS: What version of Jetspeed does it use?

It is based off the 1.3a2 codebase, with IBM stuff as well.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 4:01 PM
Subject: IBM WPS: What version of Jetspeed does it use?

> For version 1.2 or 2.1? Does anybody know?

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