Yellow Man wrote:

>I am having problem to get jetspeed1.3-a2 running in
>jboss2.4.4-tomcat4.0.1. I could get jetspeed.jar
>deployed in jboss, but when I access the url, I only
>got a partial portal page. The error message in
>jetspeed.log looks like: 
>[Thu Jan 17 23:47:22 PST 2002] -- INFO --
>SimpleTransform:  transforming url:
>jndi:/localhost/jetspeed/jcm/jetspeed-content.xml with
>[Thu Jan 17 23:47:22 PST 2002] -- ERROR -- Invalid SAX
>       Exception:  java.lang.ClassCastException:
>       Stack Trace follows:
>       java.lang.ClassCastException:
>       at
>       at
>... ...
>I guess the problem was caused by the different XML
>parsers used by jboss (crimson) and jetspeed (xerces).
>My questions are:
>[1] Is my guess correct?
More precisely: xalan (XSLT transformer) is trying to use a version of 
crimson (XML parser) that is incompatible with it.

If you are under jdk1.4, try removing xerces.jar and xalan.jar from 
jetspeed/WEB-INF/lib/ (there are versions of crimson and xalan inside 
the jdk). I'm not sure you wil get full functionality. QuoteService is 
still relying in xerces directly, so it will not work.

If not, the problem can be solved (although it may need checking 
versions of parsers/transformers around). If someone has different 
"recipes" for doing this, maybe we can update jars in a way that allows 
jetspeed.war to run in most environments.

>[2] If the answer to [1] is yes, then is there any
>coordination between apache and jboss to use the same
>common utility libraries? (Another different library
>is castor-0.9.3 by jetspeed1.3-a2, castor-0.9.1 by
Castor should be less of a problem. I'm not sure about the minimum 
requirements of jetspeed in terms of castor version.

WRT coordination, we will soon upgrade xerces and xalan to versions that 
solve the jaxp/trax issues. I hope that the version inside jdk1.4 works 
for us.

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