Sergei O. Naumov wrote:

>On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 19:07:23 +0100
>Santiago Gala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>This is precisely what I want but... I edited vm/layouts/html/default.vm
>>>and it affected only the page that gets displayed BEFORE a user logs in.
>>>After a user logs in it still shows a page without my changes. So, I wondered
>>>if this gets generated from an another template which I could not find.
>>Which version are you running? With current CVS (or a recent build) it 
>>looks impossible. So maybe we have a new bug. Also, check if you 
>>restarted. It could be some funny caching issue with the session.
>The funny thing is that it started working. Probably it really was a caching
>problem. The whole reason I need it is to add a <Meta> tag to force a browser
>Mozilla or IE to switch encoding to UTF-8. For some reason, adding it to does
>not make it switch - I always have to do it manually. Is there any other way
>I can do it?
I noticed that it got broken some time between 1.3a1 and 1.3a2. It used 
to be set according to a JR.p parameter, with UTF-8 as default. This is 
no longer true. I will try to restore the functionality. Las time I 
looked at it, I thought that we should add an element to the media 
registry to hold the content encoding for a media type. WAP, for 
instance, will typically be UTF-8, as it is XML. For HTML I would 
recommend UTF-8 when there is a possibility of having content in several 
langauges at the same time in the portal. But there is people who insist 
in having it in iso-8859-1.

This would simplify the coding, since Content-Encoding should be set 
around the beginning of doBuild() in, and (maybe),
 making the call as

        data.setContentType( cm.getPreferredType().toString() );

Could you try to test if it works this way and report here? A patch if 
you don't find problems would be great ;). Initially you could just use 
a constant for testing. If everything works we can make it pluggable 
through the media registry and CapabilityMap classes.

It could give problems, though I think it should work. There are tricky 
issues depending on when the Writer on the Response get asked from the 
servlet engine and on how we initialize Velocity or jsp templates.

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