I've found that the default templates (JSP and Velocity) tend to be
extraordinarily slow. I am not sure exactly what causes this. However, I
replaced the majority of the most used with my own, and Jetspeed response
times have increased dramatically, so much so that I am no longer
experiencing any of those annoying drags..

Along the same lines, I've found that after I replaced these templates, I am
unable to create a link to the (default) user creation template (which is in
all of the default locations). The <jetspeed:uriLookup type="Enrollment">
points to the appropriate place, however, trying to access that href seems
to simply reload the current page. Does it matter if the template I am using
this from is a navigation or a screen (currently it is a navigation,
although in the default templates, the link is made in a screen)?



----- Original Message -----
From: "Woody Sturges" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 5:28 AM
Subject: Re: jetspeed = slowspeed?

> Andrew,
>   I'm a newbie too.  Welcome.  Something I noticed is that some of the
> example portlets will take a while when you refresh the page (especially
> if they're trying to grab stuff off the inet or are having problems).
> Have you tried making your new portlet the only one on your current
> pane?  That would rule out the effect of other portlets interfering with
> response time.  If that does it, then you can slowly add portlets to
> identify the problem causer...
> Woody
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/28/02 06:44AM >>>
> Hi,
> I'm a jetspeed newbie, impressed with its functionality etc.  My only
> concern about using it in production is with response time.  A user
> portal
> page takes about 8-10 seconds to appear, even with just a 'hello
> world'
> portlet defined for the user.    Meanwhile, I have some fairly
> intensive
> servlets on the same box that take only 1-2 seconds.  (800MHz, NT,
> 256Mb,
> JRun servlet engine.)
> My settings are prettly much out-of-the-box.  cachedOnName="true"
> cachedOnValue="true" are set for all portlets.
> Are my response times the norm or am I missing something?  Would using
> external RDMS rather than Turbine improve things (I've tried SQL server
> and
> Sybase with no luck).?
> Thanks!
> Andrew
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