I'm a new Jetspeed user and I want to ask some questions hope not to be
replied before
1) Where/When is ECS used to render the portlets ?
ECS is used in the under the covers of Jetspeed for returning content.  You
don't need a detailed knowledge of ECS any more unless you want to generate
HTML,XML, WML in your portlet.  It is much easier to do this with Velocity.

2) How is links of ( Minimize , Maximize .... ) are constructed ?
These are create dynamically based on the user's security settings.   The
template used to render the actual portlets is jetspeed.vm.  I am still
working on understanding security as it relates to porlets.  I would review
JetspeedSecurity.properties and the JetspeedAccessController code.

3) jslink , clink , and other variables how can I get used from .. or
what are their functionality exactly ?

There is a Portlet called JSLINK that gives example of using the JSLINK pull
tool.  jlink is no longer used after version 1.3X. jslink is used for
creating links to a user's /group/role panes and portlets. It also provide
links to specific PSML reference within the user/group/role context.

jslink.getUser("joe") http://www.hughbrien.com/jetspeed/portal/user/joe

I'll be thankful if the reply is done over a cycle of request for
jetspeed .. as how is default page constructed when it is requested

All of the portlet rendering is done starting at the Home.vm templates in
the templates/screens directory.

This template references the JetspeedTool ($jetspeed).  If you look at the
source code, specifically at the getPane() method you can see where this
kicks everything off.

Within this methods the following occurs:

the RunData object, which was instantiated in the Turbine servlet, is passed
to the Profiler and a
specific profile is returned.  The profile is made up of user, group, role,
country, language, etc see the Profile interface for all the parameters. The
parameters in the Profile determine which PSML file will be retieved by the
Profile service.  The Profile services can be configured to used either a
the file system or database to store PSML documents. We used database option
at our company.

        profile = Profiler.getProfile(rundata);
      PSMLDocument doc = profile.getDocument();
      result = PortalToolkit.getSet(doc.getPortlets()).getContent(rundata);

doc.getPortlets() returns all the objects references to all the portlets
from a specific PSML document.

The PortletToolKit is the convenience class for the PortletToolKitSerice.

PortalToolKit.getSet() returns the a PortletSet based upon the request.

PortletSet.getContent() returns the content of a single portlet or a set of

Basically the Portlet are all available from the PSML file, PortletToolkit
looks the PSML file, the controllers and controls are starts rendering the
what the user requested.   To get a better understanding of how this all
works I would recommend writing some test code and call the relavent

Profiler, PortletToolKit.  Actually I would recommend calling all of the
servics to help you understand how it all works.  Once you understand a
couple of services it will help you understand Jetspeed.

Its only a small part of Jetspeed but I hope it help.  I would also look at
Turbine2, Velocity and Torque to get and understanding of the other facets
of Jetspeed.


Kassem Tawfik
Java/Web developer

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