You don?t need eclipse to build the code, ant will do it alone.
I just recommended Eclipse yesterday because somebody still used
VA and had problems.
Just make sure ant runs on your system and you have a new JDK.
Eclipse is not necessary it is just the candy bar on top of it.

-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Von: Sangam Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2002 20:40
An: Jetspeed Users List
Betreff: Build Source Code


I want to change something in the jetspeed source code for my own
I have installed eclipse now.
will that do?
or i need ant to do it?
is there any docs how to build the source?
or i need to check out from CVS?
i am on windows 2000 so i avoid using ant
please help me
sangam dash

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