Hi Jetspeed-Community,

I have some problems configuring access control for jetspeed and really hope
someone can help, :(

- I need to make some tab-panes non editable, e.g. 

| MyHome[X] | CustomerInfo | ProjectInfo | SomethingElse |

only the home tab should have the edit button and the others should not be
allowed to be editable.
The same goes with the edit-button on the right side (where one can add new
panes etc.) - how can I
disable this button?

- Via the MyHome tab the user can reach user-specific portlets, which can be
added, removed, minimized
etc. as the user likes it. Portlets behind the CustomerInfo and ProjectInfo
are role-based portlets
which can be included in the user-psml with the psml-reference mechanism
quite nicely. The SomethinElse
has portlets based on a group. This Pane is accessible by both roles
(customerInfo, ProjectInfo).

And, some portlets on the SomethingElse pane should not be visible for a one
group (let´s say for the
ProjectInfo role). Is this possible? I could not manage this with security
definitions in security.xreg
and security references in the psml files...


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