On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 05:23  AM, Weßling, Achim wrote:


I just tried to set the property
'services.JetspeedSecurity.secure.passwords' to true. I changed the
password-field in the DB (MySQL) to the SHA-encoded password. I restarted
jetspeed (1.4 B3 on tomcat 4.1.18 LE jdk1.4) and tried to login the admin.
But I only get an exception! If I change everything back and try to login
everything is nice.
I also recognized, that the version 1.4 B3 throws an exception when I have a
typo in the password!!!
How can I solve this problems?

Your going to have to encrypt your passwords that are currently in the database.
I can send you an action to do so if you'd like.
Be careful to only run it only once

David Sean Taylor
Bluesunrise Software
+01 707 773-4646

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