Well, it isn't quite that simple. You would think the the JDK1.4LE version would come with everything except that which the JDK1.4 already provides. That would be great but that's not the way it is treated. For instance, the full version of Tomcat comes with the commons-dbcp package. The LE version doesn't. commons-dbcp isn't exactly a JDK1.4 endorsed package. The same goes for a few other packages, but I'll let you look into what those are. For this reason, I download the full version. Plus, like I said before, some apps are written to require the Xerces parsers when they should, instead, be using the JAXP, DOM, and SAX interfaces to load parsers. Because of this and the fact that Xerces is being actively developed and Crimson isn't, I'll use Xerces over the Crimson parser included in JDk1.4.


At 07:18 AM 3/28/2003 +0100, you wrote:
What i understand is that a number of packages, especially xml related are already
standard in the JDK 1.4. The Tomcat full-edition has some overlap with these packages, and that the LE version has been cleaned out. So no overlapping packages anymore.

This seems very nice to me, as it keep control over the large number of packages used today.


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Jacob Kjome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Verzonden: woensdag 26 maart 2003 17:04
Aan: Jetspeed Users List
Onderwerp: Re: Jetspeed not deploying on Tomcat 4.1.24 LE

One possible reason is that Jetspeed uses XML extensively and may,
improperly, use a specific XML parser.  In this case, I would guess it
might specifically use the Xerces parser.  the LE version of  Tomcat
doesn't come with Xerces.  It should be using the Interfaces and use
whatever parser is available.  BTW, xerces, xalan, mail, and anything else
with endorsed packages should *not* be in WEB-INF/lib.  It violates the Sun
classloading spec and causes lots of hard to debug classloader
errors.  Tomcat now attempts to avoid loading endorsed packages from the
WebappClassLoader, but I recommend not putting that stuff there in the
first place to, if nothing else, avoid confusion when things don't work and
it looks like they should.  Endorsed packages should be loaded via the
shared classloaders or the boot/system classloader.

I actually recommend using the full version of Tomcat no matter what for
any situation.  I really don't have a clue why they ship an "LE"
version.  A smaller download maybe?  In this day in age of broadband
internet access, I don't see the reason?


At 12:02 PM 3/26/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>Anyone some experience in Jetspeed not deploying on Tomcat 4.1.24 LE
>I am a total newbie to JetSpeed, so i was going to check it out....
>After an attempts to get it installed by dropping the WAR file in the
>webapps directory,
>i noticed that the Jetspeed WAR file was not extracted. The JetSpeed
>directory was created
>but it contained no files.....
>On the full edition of Tomcat 4.1.24 everything works fine....
>Any remarks on that ?
>Tomcat 4.1.24
>gr Marco
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