May be have a look at

Which will give you control on the search result.
Initially it is 1000 queries per day and 10 search result per query.
I dont know about the licensing details.
Have a look in the site I am sure this will be helpful.
This is a bit different approach to provide the same service.


> I have a following problem.
> I am loading a page from a website say using
> WebPageProtlet. Now, if I do search in that page then I get kicked out
> of the portal and the search results are displayed as a web page.
> What I am trying to do is, I load the page, say, and
> perform a search on the page, the results are displayed in the same
> portlet window along with all the other portlets on my current pane.
> Is there any way to do this?
> Thank you in advance for you help
> regards,
> -kinjal
> _____________________________
> Kinjal Shah
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|Department of Computer Systems         |
|University of Technology Sydney        |
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