Is torque-3.0.jar present in
I remember that I moved around some files when installing the tutorial.
If it's not there, either copy it, or change jetspeed_lib to point to where
the lib jars are.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gokul Poduval" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 11:39 AM
Subject: Jetspeed Tutorial

> Hello,
>   I was going through the Jetspeed tutorial at
> I have
>   downloded jetspeed-src, jetspeed-war and jportal.jar, and unzipped them
>   all to the same directory. When I try to compile the tutorials using
>   ant, this is the error I get
> --------------------------
> Buildfile: build.xml
> prepare:
> check_om:
> om:
> main:
>     [unjar] Expanding: /var/tomcat/webapps/jetspeed/lib/torque-3.0.jar
>     into /home/gokul/jetspeed/torque3/templates.scratch
> file:/home/gokul/jetspeed/torque3/build.xml:23: Error while expanding
> /var/tomcat/webapps/jetspeed/lib/torque-3.0.jar
> --------------------------
> All my files have been downloaded and unzipped at /home/gokul/jetspeed.
> Tomcat is installed at /var/tomcat, and I have ownership permissions to
> it.
> The following is my file -
> ------------------
> jetspeed_home=/var/tomcat/webapps/jetspeed
> catalina_home=$CATALINA_HOME
> portlet_app_name=jportal
> company=com.bluesunrise.jportal
> jetspeed_jar=/bin/jetspeed-1.4-b3.jar
> jetspeed_war=/bin/jetspeed.war
> jetspeed_lib=/lib
> jetspeed_conf=/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/
> -------------------
> Can somebody point out where I am going wrong ?
> Gokul
> --
> Gokul
> --
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