Am Wednesday 04 June 2003 10:22 schrieb Tobias Hummrich:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a web application using Jetspeed, but I'm not sure
> if it (or any portal framework, for that matter) offers the
> functionality that I need. More specifically, I'd like to know these two
> things:
> 1. How can the result of a request sent to one portlet be displayed in a
> different portlet?

This is no problem. All portlets share the same request/response object, so 
you can have a form in one portlet and read the values in another portlet via 
request.getParameter() or runData.getParameters() and then display the result 
in this portlet.

> 2. How can a portlet access the state of another portlet?

Do you mean closed/minimized etc. ? I'm afraid I don't know this.

> Basically, what I'm trying to do is implement a portal that behaves like
> an MDI application. Is that possible, or do I have the wrong idea about
> portals?
> Thanks in advance.

Stefan Kuhn M. A.
Cologne University BioInformatics Center (
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Tel: +49(0)221-470-7428   Fax: +49 (0) 221-470-5092
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