  Yes, we ran into the same problem when we upgraded to JDK 1.4.2.  JDK
1.4.2 has an incompatible XML parser.  I've opened a bug on this and it
has some tips on working around the problem.
Look at Jetspeed Bugzilla Bug 21131.

Gerry Reno

--- Gokul Poduval <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am running Jetspeed 1.4-b4 on Tomcat 4.1.24. Everything was going
> fine
> till one fine day I started getting this error in portlets -
> problem in SAX transform:
> org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException:
> The output format must have a
> '{http://xml.apache.org/xalan}content-handler' property!
> The portlets dont display anything else. This is happening in lot of
> portlets, though not all, and I am nore really sure what this error
> means. Any ideas ?
> Gokul
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